A Considerate Response with Kudos to Jonathan Poletti!


The Devil and Little Nas X

“I look forward to the time when sexuality isn’t associated with ‘evil’, and when Christians realize: they have to stop attacking people.” 🔶- from the article

Dear Jonathan Poletti:

I too look forward to such a time. I also am writing to say how masterfully and powerfully insightfully written your piece on the current incarnation of NasX truly was as a theological artifact in particular and think piece in general.

It is sad to me to know that NasX was this beautiful butterfly on gossamer wings until he and his art were bitched slapped from the sky by black and white “believers”. I could tell from his subsequent Tweets after his triumph in country and western/folk music, that this slap/clapback(?) was deeply hurtful and in some sense for Nas X, an unanticipated cruel broadside. He had not lived in his skin long enough to let this roll off his back. It was not necessary to dignify his critics with a response. However, it was and will always be necessary to use comedy, parody, sarcasm, etc., to go gaily forward and live our lives while not being driven insane by the “shunning” for any length of time. So, Big props and KUDOS to NAS X for his conjuring of the “persona-who-I-will-not-name”!

Real evil will not be comforted, according to my theological mentor and friend, the late Rev. Dr. Ray Sherman Anderson of Fulller Theological Seminary fame and infamy. That wisdom helped me understand how my father’s taking of sex from me from ages 3–5 was very little about me. That’s why it hurt me so much in addition to being incredibly painful ( a big reason why adults should never have sex with children — too big always has to force its way into too small and the force is always more painful than pleasurable). Drinking my way through my twenties, thirties, and half of my forties (high-functioning alcoholism) while being baptized at age 13 and then opening and closing church doors across this nation was my self-harming, dissociative, and sometimes orgasmic and erotic journey/ dance with many handsome and seductive ‘devils’ over that same period.

From that perspective, I think NasX’s response would have served me far better. The unconditional love and courage his actions reveal to me will serve him well in his future. I think we both will continue to watch this young man’s journey with interest. In the midst of the general chaos of multiple “Neros” fiddling while “Global Romes” burst into fascist flaming dragons that destroy their surroundings while being ultimately incinerated by their fiery blowback, I wish him every success!


Vernon Nickerson



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.