
A Grandmother and close FB friend shared this on a Saturday morning in 2021:

What if we considered the solution to unplanned pregnancies on having all men fixed? I know! Extreme, right? And your point?

I was prompted to respond as follows:

1.) I have never been remotely interested in controlling any woman’s body.
2.) How about mandating a sex education curriculum that BEGINS, continues, and ENDS with informed consent before hooking up?
3.) How about considering non-coital methods for sexual gratification when either party does not want to carry a child to term/ have a baby in the first place?
4.) How about tackling the historical and cultural objectification of the feminine and females? This is what lies at the heart of the abortion issue in my lived experience and participant observation of countless active heterosexuals since the age of 3 ( a 59-year "study").
5.) I wish anti-abortion legislation would make exceptions in cases of rape and incest. I speak as a survivor of male-to-male incest. In my world, I have never found any humor, irony, or metaphor in the pro-life/pro-choice and ERA debates. My late mother, a Registered Nurse, saved my life and made my childhood safe and happier after the rescue. These are life-and-death conversations that I hope we can all have until threatening painful medical mandates are no longer a cover for the deep, pervasive, and profound pain too many men have inflicted upon too many women too often under cover of humor.

BTW, while I'm sharing on a Sabbath weekend morning, may I say the HUGE DEBT OF GRATITUDE I OWE TO COMEDY and HUMOR and the Absurdities of life! Levity has literally saved my bacon during too many months in COVID-19 drama/ telenovelas.

Thanks for your time and attention creating an opportunity for me to share about things I have always cared deeply about.

I really want health, wholeness, and healing for all in the USA. NO EXCEPTIONS, no one left behind, and no one left alone. Enough of the arguments, shaming, and name-calling. No more capricious random character attacks.

I am not completely sure how we eventually get to peace and reconciliation. But I think this conversation starter is a good beginning.

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.