A response to Dr. Robert Reich's question begins by asking:
"Who can end poverty and homelessness and make every sentient human financially secure today, 7.22.21?"
Robert Reich
@RBReich 13 or more hours ago
Who else thinks ending poverty on Earth is more important than billionaire space tourism?
Dr.@RBReich: a companion question asks "Who can end poverty and homelessness and make every sentient human financially secure today, 7.22.21?"
Thursday, the fourth Thursday in July could be the first day of the rest of our lives on earth.
Yes, the same people who, in the previous century, figured out how to destroy their homeworld could save it and make it a planet that best serves all of its residents could begin today.
But much like my solo recovery since my last days at Kaiser for intensive life- saving care, no one - among all the people who could make a tangible difference at macro scale - cares.
If I were the God character in any one of The Holy Bible's 530 translations that I am aware of, I would have searched and found no one willing who is able to help the entire planet today. I would have found legions of people who:
A.) still were doing their best as individuals and having no larger e success,
B.) people enjoying their own superiority, power, and control and having large scale success, and
C.) we're bridge-builders largely ignored for our Olympian efforts to be the change we WISH HOPE PRAY to see.
It is still possible for everyone to have a unique set of gifts to contribute freely towards a world that works for everyone.
Everyone can learn anything
Some, like each of us, can collaborate to meet the need for teachers/role models/ trusted educational leaders/ skilled coaches/natural healers/ mentors/ empaths, etc.
Yet there is rot and mold and mildew apparently out of balance for too long?!?!
We desperately need to choose better metaphors. We can all choose better metaphors. We need to attend to each other.
So, I leave you, for now, USA online around the world, right where I began this nocturnal chat:
A response to Dr. Robert Reich's question begins by asking:
"Who can end poverty and homelessness and make every sentient human financially secure today, 7.22.21?"
To be continued...
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