America, we need to talk about white folks who refuse testing, mask protocols, and vaccination due to their being asymptomatic and for reasons that have yet to be revealed, are simply not impacted negatively by COVID19.
Village ghettolands now threatened with eminent MAD*(ness), *MutuallyAssuredDestruction
Poco a poco, as my friend E.M. says, all is slowly being revealed. As LAUSD schools rush? are forced? are hauled into lawyers offices and or courtrooms? to return to brick and mortar classrooms, a truth is revealed...and an ancient myth is busted clean out of the swamp. Specifically, the so-called "devil in the details of re-opening" are real people, as follows:
1.). People of color who may have not been offered health care or wellness/ prevention
2.). POC who may have deferred health care or wellness/ prevention
3.). POC who may still be leary of health care or wellness/ prevention because of a history of maltreatment by health care or wellness/ prevention practitioners
4.). Wealthier white folks who refuse testing, mask protocols, and vaccination due to their being asymptomatic and for reasons that have yet to be revealed, are simply not impacted negatively by COVID19.
From a for-profit health insurance POV/standpoint that is fighting universal healthcare, this is exactly what you want to have happen. If you reduce the number of people with chronic disease, you drive down cost of health care or wellness/ prevention for the survivors.
FROM a "dominant culture" standpoint, you don't have to address systemic justice, equity, and access issues if you can drive down your POC populations to US Congressperson Mikie Sherrill's 73.1% white, 0.1% indigenous District in New Jersey levels. Queue Church Lady here, " How Conveeeenient! Or, raise the Spectre of any of the USUAL evil villains.
After the almost flawlessly executed mass extinction event of 2020, the dust of over 500,000 deaths is beginning to settle. In the run up to completing America's largest vaccine give-away, the parameters of " new normal" become clear. Cold, ice cold cruel, and cutting crystal clear.
The never wanted since 1959 ( at least); the never-liked ( according to one of few ex-fb acquaintances), the demonized, dismissed, despised, disappeared, and discounted will be murdered. Their children will become wards of the state. How will we care for those surviving children-in-care? Hopefully, better than than the young teenage women killed by police in Ohio. Yes, the New Anschluss continues. The new "players"? Russia ( Putin), America, and or China. Poco a poco.
Definition of Anschluss
: union —used especially in reference to the forcible uniting of Germany and Austria in 1938
Loves in Need of Love today. Stevie Wonder, bless his heart, is STILL TRYIN' TO TELL US!
We you feel your life's too hard, just go have a talk with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ( G.O.D.).
(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021