An ADVENT MEDITATION FOR 2021 AND The Sopranos' co-star ( who played his therapist) has recently stated...

Beyond Twitter: The Curious Case Of Republican Party Darling and Brand Ambassador, US Congressman Madison Cawthorn

["He won his district with a campaign that advanced falsehoods about the 2020 election, spread lies about his own personal history, and openly espoused hateful, racist rhetoric. A vocal Trump supporter, Cawthorn quickly became a darling of the far-right, speaking at both the Republican National Convention in August 2020 and the rally in Washington, D.C., on January 6 that preceded the attack on the Capitol. As writer Talia Lavin put it in the Cut following Cawthorn’s election: “It’s hard not to arrive at the conclusion that this is the future of the Republican Party, and the main of what it has to offer.”]

A fellow social media tribe member posted this story. In the 21st Century ways we measure interest, no one read or commented. Why?

Well gentle readers, it really isn't just a story about a twenty-something-year-old serial sexual predator who seduces young women with his paraplegic status and upper body strength and good looks. It is a story that says the electorate of North Carolina's 11th US Congressional District and their local, state, and National Republican Party is primarily and explicitly responsible for casting the ballots that placed a twenty-something-year-old serial sexual predator who seduces young women with his paraplegic status and upper body strength and good looks into a powerful position. It is also about how his US Congressional colleagues appointed him to serve on House Education Committee and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

On Sunday, December 5, 2021, it should have been a story about how Cawthorn and his party have attacked public education in the USA and created the conditions which allowed the latest deadly school massacre by a homicidal white male highschooler whose parents supplied the criminally insane terrorist with the automatic deadly force weapon and four cartridges of bullets for the weapon. So far, four innocent teenagers have died. After their son was arrested, his parents attempted to flee, effectively abandoning their son the same way the boy's father had previously abandoned his first wife and teenage son in Florida.

Almost 200 students have been shot and or killed in school shootings while Congressman Cawthorn has spread vile racist rhetoric and the genocidal, homicidal, and suicidal xenophobic and misogynist Republican Party agenda-- a perfect match for Cawthorn as a twenty-something-year-old serial sexual predator who seduces young women with his paraplegic status and upper body strength and good looks.

Cawthorn having a seat at the VA table also seems morbidly appropriate as the VA has a much too long history of maltreatment of the men and women who have valiantly served the USA at home and around the world. In a related aside, the film-going public has historically accepted the angry and over-sexed flirtatious paraplegic veteran trope in such films as "Coming Home" and "Forrest Gump". Unfortunately, it is clear when we see US Congressman Cawthorn from North Carolina and Texas Governor Gregg Abbott that the real-life versions of Hollywood's creations are widely popular and accepted by wide swaths of the wealthy, powerful, and vocal white electorate.

Well its Sunday, and another Sabbath weekend and Hanukkah* celebration are drawing to a close. I realized as I marinated in the familar preaching cadence, prayer, praise, and testimony in the Black Church tradition how there are dedicated and committed pockets of resistance to the Log Cabin Republican Party across the USA-- but no massive collective mobilization alternatives systematically working to dismantle the puerile viral contagion spawned by POTUS45 over his lifetime so far.

Meanwhile, the resistors are analogous to Dorothy Gale and her friend Toto trapped in the witch's lair as the hourglass marked time until their promised executions.

Meanwhile, I feel like one of the Who's in Who-Ville who has been shouting on social media " Help is Available! Change for the greater good is possible! Truth and Reconciliation must Happen Now! Racism is the VIRUS! The USA is the patient on a ventilator in the ICU and the last midnight is the coming US Congressional Holiday Recess!


So, I will press on, continuing to speak out and read, write, publish and broadcast. I want the record to show I cared and did all I knew to do with the resources I have been blessed with. Santa Claus was always my parents, and I have kept the Xmas traditions even though both are no longer here to share with in yet another Season of Light.

I need a Handel Messiah Marathon! I need a Christmas WITH THE TOO LONG AGO PROMISED MIRACLE! I want the kindness of strangers, hugs and cuddles with people who love me unconditionally and treat me with unconditional positive regard. I need paid employment I can do proudly and without guilt or shame and used the proceeds to grow an Education- focused business and get the doctoral degree I have always wanted in Educational Leadership. Ideally, I want the business and the degree sans indentured servitude to fulfill someone else's cannibalistic corporate capitalist dreams.

The only species I want annihilated are all the german-japanese roaches gifted to me by a wealthy mulatto female slumlord. Those critters have infested my water dispenser and I cannot afford the roach-proof dispenser to use the mineral water I need to maintain my health.

But it looks like all we are getting for Kwanzaa** is a criminally deranged, homicidal, genocidal, and passive-agressive suicidal Republican Party Mid-term Anschulss, US Congressperson Cawthorne, Governors from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky,the Crumbley Crime Family from Michigan, and the Rittenhouse family flitting freely between Illinois and Wisconsin. 😭😱💔😥☠💀💥

Geez! Another profoundly disappointing Holiday season! Looks pitchblack to me, ironic and perfect weather for bats and novel coronaviruses.

God, oh God! Why did you start off by saving my life in 1959 and continue saving my life daily since then? I think it is a cruel joke to put me and my people who want so very much to live ( in a world that works for everyone!!) on a planet with too many people who are obsessed with death, chaos, and mutally-assured nuclear destruction. I just do not get the joke, and Lord knows I've tried. The fact that some of them are intelligent, attractive, and seductive only compounds the sick joke that it appears The Creator intended to Create(!!!???!!??)

I want a full refund, immediately!

*-a lesser Jewish festival, lasting eight days from the 25th day of Kislev (in December) and commemorating the rededication of the Temple in 165 BC by the Maccabees after its desecration by the Syrians. It is marked by the successive kindling of eight lights.

**-a secular festival observed by many African Americans from December 26 to January 1 as a celebration of their cultural heritage and traditional values.
Kwanzaa is a Swahili word that means "first" and signifies the first fruits of the harvest. ... One of these is the celebration of the harvest. At this time of the year, people of the community/village come together to celebrate and give thanks for their good fortune.


The Sopranos' co-star ( who played his therapist) has recently stated that the actor who played Tony Soprano was abusing cocaine and alcohol so much and overeating, that the producers wanted to conduct an intervention and get him into rehab. But it was HBO/ HOLLYWOOD-- and we know they always eventually eat their own. Yes, the star died an untimely death. Sadly, that makes Mr. Soprano a mere mortal role model for being Gone-too-soon!🙃😥😱😨😰😭💔❤💔💜

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All rights reserved.

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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