
And the Evening and the Morning Were the Second Day ( 1.2.21, It is 8 minutes after midday in LA, but it is The Last Midnight Somewhere on Earth)


As schools across the country are set to resume in-person classes after the winter break, Dr. Anthony Fauci is urging parents to vaccinate children over 5 to a...

How and WHY does Dr. FAUCI speaking in 2022 remind me of Mehmet Oz saying in 2020/2021 that a few children dying from COVID 19 was somehow acceptable(?!?!). Wow, you cannot make these crazy coincidences up from whole cloth anymore. Can it be that one man's ancestral genocidal forebears' reach extends from the WWII AXIS Powers Era to present day 2022?

Fauci: CDC mulling COVID test requirement for asymptomatic | AP News


Fauci: CDC mulling !!!COVID test requirement for asymptomatic | AP New!!!
To which the ENTIRE NATION SHOULD REPLY NO FLIPPIN WAY UNLESS AND UNTIL Dr. Fauci legally becomes my personal physician and must successfully provide 100% of our "Cadillac-Level" treatment and bear 100% of the malpractice liability for any " medical errors". I speak as a double-vaxxed, boostered, mask wearing and social distancing and insured ( insurance I know I could never afford if it where not within a mega-sized HMO) registered USA voter whose virtual ( and free) healthcare coach/mentor happens to also be the Surgeon General of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

IT IS common knowledge that for reasons rarely explained clearly, our national system of healthcare is on life support. I seriously have no idea how Dr. Fauci and POTUS46/VPOTUS46 think that simply because the "science" suggests testing resulting in a potentially significant treatment population without a National Healthcare System for every RESIDENT OF THE USA AND ITS POSSESSIONS is the next step for a nation where 71 million people never followed any of the WHO, CDC, and or NIH guidelines to date still reside. IJS.


Why Manipulative Behaviors Must Go the Way of the DoDo Bird in 2022

Manipulative Behaviors Definition:

1. Behaviors that result in a request that is inappropriate to the relationship or situation.
2. Requests that continue despite attempts to say no or set limits.
3. Behaviors that hook you:
a. Create enough discomfort, that you will do anything to stop it.
b. Behaviors that flatter you or attempt to make you “feel good.”
c. Behaviors that instill guilt. “Feel-sorry-for-me” behaviors.

Why People Manipulate:

1. Learned behavior is repeated because it works.
2. Less threatening than a direct request, explanation, or expression of need.

General Points:

1. Manipulative people are not bad people. Separating the behavior from the individual helps to understand the behavior without judging it.
2. Everyone exhibits manipulative behaviors at some point.
3. If behavior doesn’t “hook” you, it ceases to manipulate.


Two weeks to comply!!??!! 1.) With 7 full days before students must return to brick-and-mortar clasrooms, some as overcrowded as they were before 3.13.2020, who is supposed to be responsible for the safety of the vaccinated AND the unvaccinated? Why aren’t all of our separate tiers of elected officials* prioritizing having all required PPE in place 7 days from today?

*- Surely elected Board of Education, County Supervisors, LA Mayor and City Council, State Legislators, the applicable US Congresspeople, and our US Senate delegation can get all the masks needed at all the Public School sites by next Sunday, January 9, 2022?!?!

When I was a Contract Specialist for the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority back in 2005, we were mobilized for major efforts with the phrase "All Hands on Deck". That means every able-bodied human worked to achieve a single task.

Note well, everyone in the aforementioned groups planning to ever run for re-election, or move to a different tier: If we do not see you all making an effort to meet this critical need, why do you think ANYONE except your MAJOR DONORS would ever vote for you again for any office?

Oh, the arrogance and folly of all who are intoxicated by and or addicted to power and building additional generational wealth. Will that be what finally gives you the Oligarchies/ Theocracies you gather to celebrate on the First Sabbath Weekend in 2022?

Let's see how/ if/ when the Media dig themselves out of the morning poo by bedtime in Los Angeles, CA, one of those legendary cities that never sleeps. Perhaps we are sleep deprived and thus stubbornly UNWOKE!?!?

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2022. All Rights Reserved.



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.