Member-only story
At best Jonathan Haidt is just being intellectually lazy — and likely earning a 6-figure or more salary for his harmful efforts.
Jonathan’s Haidt’s use of the word stupidity (and the words, stupid, nasty, failure, failed, etc.) is clickbait; coupled with a weak ad hominem attack on “diversity awareness” seminars and workshops is cruel. For whom and for what is he choosing to repeatedly use perennially dismissive, cruel, and pejorative words? Stupid is commonly denfined as: (noun) BEHAVIOR that shows a lack of good sense or judgment.
MOST, IF NOT ALL BEHAVIOR CAN BE MODIFIED, MEDIATED AND OR EXTINGUISHED. I HAVE 48 YEARS OF conversations with adults and their children who had educators like this gentleman who ‘threw’ these words at learners at everry age and stage negatively impacting their success for years and often decades. He winds up being the “thing itself” that no human in 2023 should be exposed to EXCEPT with a ‘trigger warning”. Finally, why not put the onus back on the original Internet, video gaming, video, and music content creators who intentionally created the drivel children and generations of adults ingest every second they have unfettered/unsupervised/ and most critically — “garbage-in”content-never-discussed and…