BACK to School Prep Week…After trying to put LAUSD +UTLA in my rear view mirror
Dateline Valley Glen, a SFV neighborhood of Excellence-and-Diversity 11:02 am PDST. I have been on mute by Van Nuys Courthouse East (remote court, a COVID-19 reality since 8:30 am PDST. I wish someone had told me that being a defendant in 2022 for what is likely a fraudulent lawsuit is just like jury duty in the Los Angeles County(?) Superior Court system back in the late 1980's..hurry up and wait, bring a book, water, and a snack. I am reading a great book, Fugitive Pedagogy: Carter J. Woodson and the Art of Black Teaching, and I have plenty of chilled water, but I ran out of time to make lemon bars. I thought surely my attorney, Irving Figueroa, a nice young thirtysomething man would luck out and get us number #1 in the queue. Sadly, we are #4. Two hours, twenty six minutes and counting… so
I might as well enjoy some of my favorite singers and songs as I write.
Meanwhile, I am somewhat annoyed as a nascent small businessperson with clients who are also prepping for back-to-Alberto Carvalho’s Florida Branch, a.k.a. Los Angeles Unified School District + UTLA. Did you know, USCOTUS years ago ruled UTLA is never to recruit paying members as they are the sole bargaining unit for the second largest public school district in the USA? And- they still must represent every certificated Ed Specialist/ iCAPP intern. Did you also know that at my Special Day school in the Central District of the City of the Angels, Joseph Pomeroy Widney ( yep, everybody says w-h-i-t-n-e-y, except me- Thelma J. Whitney was my second Pan African-American teacher ( third grade, Abraham Lincoln PS # 9 , Paterson, NJ, so I do not conflate the two very different words)). Joseph Pomeroy Widney was a elite LA racist and they had tried unsuccessfully to get his name removed from the building before my arrival in the August heat of 2016. But I digress.
This is my focus question today: what is the current plaintiff claimed in covid-19 rent relief cases in Los Angeles city and county Query posed 02.16.00 on 08–11–2022 UPDATE FROM VernonNickersonSchoolcoach What part of S.O.S./ All hands on deck do ALL Y’ALL NOT COMPREHEND? Resistance, a wise #2 of 3 said, is Futile. Next week the EEOC investigator will take up the LAUSD + UTLA connection to that question, the following week, the California Department of Employment and Housing investigator will re-open their investigation of that same connection. Our CA State Attorney General Rob Bonta’s office, recommended giving them another bite at the provebial gummy-worm-infested LAUSD apple. Well to be fair, the fact that the FBI officially considers my poor old 310 exchange as a cybercrime scene after LAUSD ITD help desk hacked into my PDA and did “lots of things, but did not untether me from LAUSD” on February 8, 2022. My IT intern says I should be thankful Google Security immediately notified me of the intrusion. All of this is happening in the 50th year of my life as a teacher. Did I mention my GO FUND ME PAGE also launched this week?
(Just heard they are on case #8. There appears to be no order to cases called. I bet it has to do with skin color of attorneys and Plaintiffs. Such are the realities of integrating a Muslim (immigrant)-Palestinian (immigrant)- Jewish (secular and orthodox) San Fernando Valley neighborhood, due north of downtown Los Angeles.) But they(!)caused this digression ;-)).
Any hew, here is the meat of the matter: Who profits if I, Vernon Prescott Nickerson, were to become homeless? where to become homeless today @ 8:30 am at Van Nuys Courthouse East Dept H?
It certainly makes :
CA Dept of Fair Employment and Housing to interview re case # 202207–17704226
And my EEOC HEARING ON 8.17.2022, a challenge as both are remote (i.e., online events).
Both, as it happens, are pertinent to my defense in the UD matter. Both initiate processes that are germain to the plaintiffs false claim that I have not been directly harmed due to COVID-19 Emergency Declaration ( as of 3.14.2020)
The LAUSD + UTLA District Intern Program ( a.k.a., iCAPP) was out of compliance with the attached US D.O.E. Guidance issued in 2015 on the day I started as a dual District Intern credentialled Educational Specialist on 8.14.2019. In 2020 especially, the our Instructors almost always lamented that they had just received course curricular content the night before they were expected to begin teaching it to my cohort. According to Drs. Patricia Pernin and Tracy Eagle and Admin. Bonnie Ratner, the LAUSD Induction program had been sanctioned by the State BOE and compelled to redesign said program to implement it to my cohort for the first time.
Consequently, all instructional staff and my entire cohort(s) at iCAPP and WIDNEY CPTC would need to be deposed individually and guaranteed no retaliation by LAUSD + UTLA.
Hellzapoppin, The Wiz, The ( OG-MC) Wizard of Oz, Dear World, Johnny Depp’s Alice in Wunderland?
Next stop: CousinKarensKnubianKnarrative in New York City, NY. Wow, a sort of reverse(???!!!) PanAfrican haven for many BIPOC Ph.D.s ,Pulitzer winners, and one DANTE NERO, a buff and beige/bronzed hulk who with Enrique Terrio, also, a buff and beige/bronzed hulk, but not as lucky to enter comedian re-hab were(?) are(?) charter members of the infamous Proud Boys. I am really looking forward to my fellow Medium writers Walter Rhein and William Spivey work their writer’s mojo on that dynamic duo.
N.B.: My LAUSD + UTLA colleagues, COVID-19 vaxxed, unvaxxed, boostered, never-will-be-stuck, Monkey pox, Swine flu, and COVID-19 all go back-to-face-to-face instruction in a few precious days. I am so looking forward to reuniting with a select few of them during the deposition process — I can hear the bells!
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