"Late in The Humans, Brigid and Richard go to the roof to grab some air. Standing above the building, they can finally take in the painterly purples and reds of the sunset that the apartment prevents them from seeing. The sky is immense, and they look exhausted but relieved, like two escapees from a haunted house. They should probably linger there, at least long enough to substantially reflect—but of course they head back downstairs before long. When you’re this used to your nightmare, you don’t realize you should wake up."

This review makes a powerful point about the USA in 2021 too often BEING LIKE A NIGHTMARE THAT IS ALL TOO FAMILIAR. For example, for 60% or more(?) of the United States Congress to "wake up" from its' nightmare would be to realize that the passage of legislation to BUILD BACK BETTER at the originally proposed 10 Trillion dollar minimum, pass voting rights reforms as originally proposed, abolish 100% of the Anti-Critical Race Theory, and apply an ethos of mutual informed consent by all parties in procreative sex and or non-procreative sex before any sharing of priceless and fragile human intimacy takes place and allows for abortion when the resulting pregnancy has nothing to do with mutual informed consent or would not save the life of the mother would be the best solutions for the majority of diverse populations in the USA.

Another major application of awakening from a nightmare would be focusing on ending the COVID-19 virus' destruction of the health and wellbeing of every living resident of the USA. We know everything we need to do to achieve the goal. Everyone in leadership actively seeking to stop the medical community from doing what we know works must be tried by juries of their peers for crimes against humanity and or for treason and sedition. Their massive wealth from maintaining cruelty, sickness and death as the status quo must be re-distributed amongst those working for a nation and ultimately a planet that is sustainable for all ofcits residents, excluding none.

We were not born to be rewarded for not taking the best care of all of us. We actually can take the best care of others and ourselves. We can begin this effortcon any given Saturday or Sunday, but know this-- WE CAN START TODAY with all deliberate speed BECAUSE WE HAVE DONE THIS BEFORE.

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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