Bill Maher and Florida, are both still in the news for racist, nativist, xenophobic, and anti-public education public policy advocacy

Florida. Specifically, the US State of Florida, is still in the news for racist, nativist, xenophobic, anti- public education public policy. Has elected leadership and the Florida Electorate, all chronological adults, ever really not been hostile towards all of its non-voting youth and children since it became a State?

My comparatively brief experience suggests since 1994 to present day: 1.) Children from Georgia placed with biological relatives were refused emergency medical care and denied public school support services to address special needs. 2.) Social service agencies terminated staff in their Georgia offices because they were incorrectly diagnosed as Type 2 diabetics. 3.) 100% of my adult FB friends with no children and or grown adult children are apparently quite satisfied with their work-life balance as longtime Florida Residents. As we are now less than 90 days away from summer voting, I understand their position and acquiescense, even as I definitely do not agree.

On a completely different yet unrelated and relevant note, I did spent 8 days and 7 nights in downtown Miami and Biscayne Bay. The natives and the Cuban emigres were hostile to each other, therefore I was invisible to all pf them. The waiter at Tony Romas in Miami Beach slung my entree in what he perceived in a poorly lit dining room as my general direction. And American Airlines left our luggage on the MIA tarmac in a torrentional downpour, leaving my black/white silk tie pink/ white/ black. In fact, the ancestors of one half of a fabulously kind and gracious 2 Gay Parent household are escaped from Florida, thriving in spite of slavery to present day USA 2022.

Children and families in Florida who most likely cannot afford to leave are being legislated to grow to adulthood ignorant of their nation's history and culture. This ignorance will harm innocent non-Floridians because it is enforced with inhumane legislation and public policy. The fact that Bill Maher would find common cause with such legislation and public policy simply should get him to leave California and join the rest of his adult family and friends in Florida. Conversely, the Federal Government, especially since Disney Corp. has come out of its closet as homophobic all along, it should offer relocation for all BIPOC and or LGBTQIA+ families that want safe passage out of Florida and or Texas.

Do Floridians secretly desire to be responsible for saving themselves from inevitable sea level rise and ever more powerful and prolonged epic weather events? It would add billions, perhaps trillions of Federal dollars back to the budget if they swapped legal status with Puerto Rico. This way, we would not have to change Flags or anything else related to 50 STATES in any expensive ways.

Florida- Finally a home for all the truly evil "for adults only folks" Think of the millions of lives saved going forward; celebrate their ascension as ancestors/ mourn the loss of the preventable dead. It's what our Founding Fathers left for us to FINALLY SORT OUT.😁☺️😉😏👍❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🌈

Florida, lets face facts. Even your former Superintendent of Public Instruction left-- after making his career in mostly public schools. No one in Florida Government or Admin was sad to see him- a strong child and family advocate (?)- leave. Given all that has happened regarding Florida children in families since his departure, LAUSD + UTLA needs to be talking to him about exactly what he left so enthusiastically down in the deep south. Of course, they should also go into similar detail about the unique "Oz" he has now embraced in LA CITY AND COUNTY. I suspect Mr. CARVAHLO'S story will be quite a harrowing cautionary tale or preview of coming attractions/discombobulating distractions.

(C) Vernon Nickerson Schoolcoach 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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