

Would you want your student on the same campus with a young white man who open carries an assault rifle and will shoot-to-kill if scared or angry? If I were a parent, I would be transferring my child in less than a New York minute.

Kyle needs an education. Functional illieracy due to a disabling condition (dyslexia) already runs in his gene pool. But, speaking candidly, the logical consequences of the personal choices he made to follow the call of a Kenosha Alderman to participate in an active riot scene make him only fit for distance learning environments. Allowing open-or-concealed-carry advocates into in-person classrooms in public or private instructional settings is an unacceptable risk and universal public health hazard.

I am an educator and private tutor. I would be pleased to tutor Kyle Rittenhouse VIRTUALLY REMOTELY FROM A SECURED LOCATION FOR FEES TO BE DETERMINED. As with all of my clients, he would have to provide an approved curriculum from an
accredited degree-granting institution. Since Mr. Rittenhouse has stated he supports Black Lives Matter, I am willing to begin ASAP on a probationary protocol through his school-of-record. If his work product does not meet their academic standards, he could connect with any other accredited institution willing to enroll and support him. My commitment to Kyle and all my tutoring clients is unwavering and not dependent upon the students enrollment. I would love to play a role in his earning a BSRN.

Mission Statement/ Design for Instruction:


TRUST. OR more specifically, LACK OF TRUST for people with scientific and or medical knowledge and experience, who may be profiting whether or not I or anyone else takes the best care of themselves and our neighbors; that is what killed the young man in his prime. Sad. Tragic. TRUE. SO VERY VERY TRUE.

FROM THE ARTICLE: 🌈💥💯💯💯 An extremely well constructed article, I might add:

"[In 2009, Stafford co-authored a paper that surveyed people who lived on brownfield sites that might have been contaminated with pollutants. The survey asked the residents whom they trusted to tell them about the risks associated with living on the land. While most of the people trusted scientists to tell them the truth, they were almost as likely to take their information from family and friends, despite their total lack of expertise. “It wasn’t that they didn’t trust the expertise of the scientists,” Stafford says. “They knew that scientists knew about pollution. They just thought that the scientists didn’t have their interests at heart, whereas they knew that family and friends did.”

The internet replicates this fundamental human impulse – to trust family and friends almost as much as we trust experts – at scale. “We feel a connection to the people who are telling us things in a way that we don’t feel a connection to the Centers for Disease Control or the Joint Council on Vaccination and Immunisation,” Stafford says."]

Here lies a smart man. He was single, never married, and lived alone. He was blessed with close family and friends who loved him. He was successful in many of the ways that secular society measures success.

But along came a virulent Novel Coronavirus and the ascent of the Instant Information Age brought to the WORLD by the Competitive Corporate Capitalist Machine. The CCCM had, some years earlier, been ruled by the US SCOTUS as fully human.

Yes, gentle reader, US SCOTUS made a blanket ruling that explicitly stated that ALL Competitive Corporate Capitalists were worthy of "honorary" full human status ( and our implicit TRUST) with all the rights and privileges thereof. ALL of the CCC'S "in loco parentis" became overnight, the ELITE CORPORATE BOARDS OF DIRECTORS who, at the end of the day, at the end of the week, until the end of their lives, were only required to demand high profits by any means necessary.

Now, the problem, as I stated in my opening, was that NO ONE SHOULD EVER, FOR ANY REASON, BLINDLY ASSUME ( trust?) that every corporate board has homo sapiens' best interests at heart. CCC'S can and do, profit and thus build generational wealth for those financially savvy enough to purchase stock in them, regardless of whether any organic species lives or dies. CCC'S , gentle reader, have no empathy. This means that they are fully capable of banality, venality, mendacity, and cruelty-- simultaneously---at GLOBAL, GEO-POLITICAL, NATIONAL, AND LOCAL levels.

As Emeritus Professor Noam Chomsky has told us for decades, CCC'S are hazardous to our health BECAUSE our health and wellbeing do not matter to their CCC "Prime Directive" of PROFIT BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY AND WITH ALL DELIBERATE SPEED. But they have all mastered the fine art of Manufacturing Consent.

Note well, dear friends:and countless others from A to Z.*
The lesson to be learned is a lesson all of y'all know and practice in an infinite variety of ways and community contexts.
The lesson to be learned is a lesson all of y'all know and practice in an infinite variety of ways and community contexts. Who do we trust to sit down and tell us the truth? Do we ever listen without applying the litmus test of how much trust the speaker has earned? Better yet, do we fairly consistently grow in trust for those who admit they have made poor, stupid, inane, insane, and or inconguous, insipid, and uninspired choices apologized and then never made those choices again, to the best of our human abilities?

The men I called out in my first iteration of this post- cum- essay, are not "Superman(s)", nor, as far as I know, have they ever claimed to be. Nevertheless, I have, virtually and or in person, been privileged to "see" them make super good choices to do super things and be super men. They have held themselves accountable to epic high standards in their respective metrons, i.e., spheres of influence. Like all human beings, they know trust is earned, daily, and can be lost, and then must be earned over some length of time.


Together, WE, THE PEOPLE, UNITED TO FORM a more perfect union ( small "p" and small "u" are intentionally used here) are STRONGER TOGETHER. Another day is dawning. What choices to trust will you make today? When people choose to enter situations with other human beings armed with deadly force weapons of any kind, there will be innocent blood shed. Once that occurs, trust is among the dead and or wounded and or traumatized. Please remember that; please remember to remember that-- always and forever.

*- The lesson to be learned is a lesson all of y'all know and practice in an infinite variety of ways and community contexts. Who do we trust to sit down and tell us the truth? Do we ever listen without applying the litmus test of how much trust the speaker has earned? Better yet, do we fairly consistently grow in trust for those who admit they have made poor, stupid, inane, insane, and or inconguous, insipid, and uninspired choices apologized and then never made those choices again, to the best of our human abilities. The men I called out above are not "Superman(s)", nor, as far as I know, have they ever claimed to be. Nevertheless, I have, virtually and or in person, been privileged to "see" them make super good choices to do super things and be super men. They have held themselves accountable to epic high standards in their respective metrons, i.e., spheres of influence. Like all human beings, they know trust is earned, daily, and can be lost, and then must be earned over some length of time. It is, indeed, IN EVERY ONE OF US TO BE WISE. It is also A SEASON OF DARKNESS THAT IS ALSO KNOWN AS A SEASON OF LIGHT. Together, WE, THE PEOPLE, UNITED TO FORM a more perfect union ( small "p" and small "u" are intentionally used here) are STRONGER TOGETHER. Another day is dawning, what choices to trust will you make today? When people choose to enter situations with other human beings armed with deadly force weapons of any kind, there will be innocent blood shed. Once that occurs, trust is among the dead and or wounded and or traumatized. Please remember that; please remember to remember that-- always and forever. Some lessons, gentle reader, ALWAYS BEAR REPEATING.

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.