Dear Bren Kelly, what is it about the Democratic Party that an apology for past immoral and unethical murder, terroristic threats, and or bullying/ intimidation to supress a national plebiscite would be sufficient for you to “consider(?) voting Democratic? As I contemplate who I will be voting for apologies will not be a factor.
The GOP have demonstrated since Donald, Melania, and the Trumps relocated to Florida that the only people they want in government/public service have pink-skin and (?)any combination of European DNA. From January 2020 through midnight, December 31st, 2021 the entire US Legislative and Executive Branch passed 2 major pieces of legislation out of 41 bills demonstrably essential to and or supported by the majority of the registered and voting US citizens. In teacher terms, the entire class ( left, right, and center) earned a “final grade” of F.
Traditionally, after yelling, mudslinging and political posturing, came collaboration and consensus with “requisite” horse trading, i.e., negotiation and modified legislation being passed. However, the 8 years of President Barack H. Obama marked the last time the GOP even pretended this was happening.
Frankly, I will only be considering qualified, moral, ethical and mentally healthy/stable candidates not associated with the GOP or their Tea Party or other right wing splinter groups. Candidate’s origin stories will be considered, too. Candidates whose public service has benefitted me and or my neighbors/ neighborhood in some tangible way will be considered over those with no history of public service or service to vulnerable populations.
I would suggest to my fellow registered and voting Americans that if your US Congressperson(s) and or US Senators were on social media, Fox Media, and Television more than they were working in their Washington DC offices and proposing alternate legislation be voted out of office whenever possible. From my POV, these folk are the “low hanging and rotten fruit” that need to find non-elective office career paths, ASAP. Anyone aspiring to serve the electorate must be willing to serve the best interests of all their constituents, not just their wealthiest donors. My preference would be full disclosure of every dollar given by every donor as well as what larger individual donors $500 and above want in exchange for their donations.
Thank you for the opportunity to engage with your story.