Dear Dr. Umair Haque: The USA, deadly and metastatizing WARTS, LESIONS, and all IS WORTH SALVAGING. THAT young man ( I am 63) is the series of articles I would humbly request you commit yourself to writing between now and January 31, 2023. Today, like never in our history, the optimal systems solutions are global. Mass Migrations are so 20th Century and a step backwards.
This essay wants to have it both ways, a scathing critique of willful ignorance and sociopathy "posing" as 81% of the current USA population. Full disclosure, I propose viable solutions, as do others like Dr. Richard Wolff and Rev. Dr. Joseph Barber II.
The following indigenous-to-the-USA musical genres are worth keeping: JAZZ, FOLK ( Incl.Country and Western), GOSPEL (PAN AFRICAN), and BROADWAY ( MUSICALS AND DRAMAS). My newest cousins were born last week and this week. I believe the USA NEEDS A SERIES OF RELENTLESS EVENTS THAT AS A SERIES, WILL COMPEL US TO TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION. Every day, the folks I engage with resonate with some of our better and brighter ideas. Public Schools are beginng to shut down for well deserved summer breaks. Besides, if things are as bad as we see them today, that means more opportunities will likely make themselves visible. And As I write, Aaron Copeland's Appalachian Spring is playing in the background.
Since my longtime best friend and protector became an ANCESTOR IN February 2016, I have learned. We will, find a way and or make a way. Do something UNEXPECTED, WRITE BOTH ARTICLES!