
Dear Miss Betty Bowers: Do Real Freak Flags Fly Upside Down with Crimson Swastikas While the Rainbow Remains a Hobby Lobby Scapegoat in the USA?

One Epic Rant Lion in Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall!

Alex Jones and Glenn Beck are my tantric sex slaves and current obsession. Our Men from M.A.M.Our Men from M.O.M.- a new raunchy randy reality mother and father of all realities in fact.

But first, a word from our spon-sir, Matthew COOKIES AND CREAM COOKE!

Because horse race political coverage is sociopathic, what was once a Republican Party has been hijacked by anti-government extremists weeks away from sabotaging America’s electoral process if Dems don’t break the filibuster and pass a federal voting rights act. This isn’t a football game. This is the most important issue of our time. Call Senator Joe Manchin III and Kyrsten Sinema and ask them to join the majority of the country that wants to have a country with elected representatives. Times running out. - from fb thread by Matthew Cooke

DEAR M.C. COOKE: I💯🖤🤎🤍💜💙🧡💚💛❤🌈 YOU and whatever makes your eyes and voice pierce the depths of my soul, fiercely!
But why would Manchin III and Sinema, The Tony Orlando and Dawn Damn Diva ( Tri- Delta soror) from AZ join a majority the elite have bought and paid for and handed to them both on a silver platter? We, the people united to form a more perfect union WIN, AND WIN BIG for the forceseeable future if they do as you suggest we ask them to do. Sinema no longer allows calls to even go to voicemail. Think of a bizzaro-world-adult-sized Shirley Temple throwing the DivaMother of all "Nah-nah-nah na! I cannot hear you!" tantrums. And for some reason, its like Manchin III has an impenetrable 2-way cone of silence surrounding his YACHT IN THE POTOMAC ( at the Watergate!, no less-- oh the irony of that optic)
So, what else ya' got, My Secret Agent My Men from M.O.M.( Mother of (all)Men) with those smoldering eyes?

You could have www.Medium.com LGBTQIA+ Maven Jonathan Poletti catch Manchin, Alex Jones, and Glenn Beck in a " honey pot sex ring situation with "The Situation" ( from Jersey Shore) who's had Sinema as his side chick all along. If there is any smoke, Poletti ain't a poletti for nuthin, Boss. He takes LGBTQIA+ " embers" and produces documented closet freaks every.single.time. Just a thought.

Our two lovebirds and their corporate paramours have been doing a happy dance in the end zone ever since 1.7.2020, when all the US Capitol rioters took to mass media to promote their epic exploits on 1.6.2020. That was the Dems signalling they had every intention of taking the abandoned and broken moral high ground/ come let us reason together approach with (drug-addled-but-legal-prescription- drug-addicts also known as the GOP Log Cabin Republican men and women/ Evangelical Chris-T-ann SoulJerks, prepping to destroy an entire planet -- just because they CAN, my man!)^^

My Vision of Scorched Earth:
Round up all GOP US Senators, Congresspeople , Manchin III, and Sinema and their families* at Guantanamo, Cuba facilities until they
1.) vote for 100% of the Poor People for A Moral and Ethical Revival's Legislative Agenda-- the OG BUILD BACK BETTER PLAN
2.) Until they vote for 100% of Biden's OG Build Back Better plan
The Executive Order authorizing sequestration to achieve Budget Reconciliation must specifically forbid any exceptions to 1.) or 2.) because the GOP Republican Party has had no original thought OR legislation since Nixon, maybe even since Eisenhower. They need to set a team of Law Review students to work on documenting the GOP's lack of meaningful thought and work product since 1959, 1969, or 1979 At the very latest.

ALL the highest achievements in corporate wealth building have brought us the shite show we have right this very minute. Anticipate and plan meticulously for mass sedation of all assets prior to transport to GITMO.

Well, that should be enough to get us to the next Holiday of the season!

^^- Note Well: Yes, America, decades of better living, through chemicals, is behind the bizzare behavior expressed with ferocity and in really inappropriate venues, like drive-through windows and commercial airliners and school board meetings and halls of congress and Howard University, and all higher education entities and Amazon, and Microsoft, and Berkshire-Hathaway...the list is global and virtually infinite. A handful of key players, Louis DeJoy, NBA AND NFL owners, Anthony Fauci, MD and others have apparently signed long term contracts to be heroes and or villians, as the times demand.

Every adult human on the planet has their own pillbox of " lifesaving medicines with lifetime prescriptions". Nutrition, work-life balance shifts, more community playdates and socialization could free millions from becoming best buds with their local CVS, WALGREENS, COSTCO, and Target pharmacies. Substance abuse and drug dependent violent behavior could become the rare exception and never the rule requiring the rule of law.

*- ( cause It's ALL ABOUT THE FAMILY! is my company motto ( rarely seen as I have only pro bono clients that work me like the Hebrew-adjacent slave-with-attitude that I have always been))

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All rights reserved.



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.