Dear Umair Haque, CornelW, AnandG, RichardDW, PeterJ, VijayP, and IsabelW,
You all are telling the truth, but no one in power is listening nor will ever listen, apparently.
1.) A little over half of LAUSD parents and some students do not want to return to normal. Yet, almost 100% of the dominant culture war winners want to , have always wanted to, never stopped wantung ( fake german for wanting) to return to das normal. You see gentle reader, normal for them has met that their least-able to- brightest-and-best-children have excellent educational outcomes from the PRE-covid-19 LAUSD and UTLA partnership. LAUSD+ UTLA = In KAHOOTS! Forever is quite possibly the NUMBER 1, PREMIER, ALPHA MALE/ ALPHA FEMALE, master race dominant, economically segregated Public and Charter-school-dominant school system in the nation! ( repeat last sentence 3 times if you believe) That's right folks, they learned from the former BEST OF THE BEST, NewYork City and Chicago Public Schools.
2.)The single most powerful secret of the outrageous success of LAUSD+UTLA = Gov. George Wallace's Battle Cry if he were still alive work-ing miracles in our lives:
Economic segregation THEN, Economic segregation NOW, Economic segregation FAUX-EV-VAH!
That my friends and fellow vampires, is the demon spawn of systemic racism. Do I have your attention yet? No?
Well, my dear friends, let’s have a sidebar-hidden-private-conversation- while-WE- ALL-hibernate-in-plain-sight. Throughout recorded religious history, orthodoxy’s stock always rises because of the evils of fear- mongering, clinical depression, various cancers, HIV/AIDS, ALL STDS, "common colds” and general poor- health, vs. the usual suspects in the hero/ underdog roles: diet, exercise, portion control, a consistent and passionate sex life across the life span, fluidity of sexual expression/ orientation, plant-based diets ( NO VEGAN* MANDATE, EVER, REALLY) *vegan is however the one orthodoxy currently on the heroes' side of the ( vs / =).
Let me re-state what I attempted to visually and verbally illustrate: Captalism and Religion/ Orthodoxy create generational wealth for a overwhelmingly white' "( caucasian, pink-skinned, lighter skinned than everyone except albinos*) NO MATTER WHICH SIDE(S) EXIST, THEY!' " PROFIT FROM ALL CHOICES OFFERED. I do not believe anyone who currently is economically comfortable AND has maintained or increased their economic comfort, wants to see that change.
The big lie: WeAllLiveInTheYellowSubmarine.
The truth: Yes we do , but only because the submarine is actually an infinite circular arguement defying gravitas and gravity, to infinity (a circle stretched and twisted at its "center") and beyond.
Oh yeah, Flat Earthers really are one-dimensional and delusional ( 2-D blind guides).
* - Note well, albinos are people who mysteriously/ not mysteriously are a.) feared and loathed by white folks, b.) barely tolerated and feared by black folks, and apparently, c.) never live to the lowest expected age of any of the darker-skinned people. Ever since , well, 60 years ago because I don't choose to recall much about my first year of life, I have heard and read social influencers ask out loud, " Have you ever wondered why albinos never live to be 100?" Well I have a follow up question, America, Why has no scientist or licensed physician or clinician ever dedicated a lifetime to answering the question, once and for all.
THIS IS VernonNickersonSchoolCoach and One Opinionated Son of A Blacksmith! signing off..for a brief jolt of FreshAir and Sunlight!