EDITS More Tales From The Crypt of LAUSD
Very frustrating situation- happened to a friend today.
On the evening of 1/11 , her (11th grade fully vaccinated) son couldn’t smell, she immediately antigen tested him- he was positive. Mom sent the positive antigen test picture and details to an asst principal at the high school, AP responded that they would put son on covid list and they were in receipt and accepted the positive test result . (Note- the mom did not upload positive test to daily pass because she thought it was handled because of emails with AP).
Son quarantined and returned to school after 6 days with negative antigen test uploaded to daily pass. Son received notice that case was closed and he’s clear to return to school.
Today mom and son were told that son must PCR test at school tomorrow along with everyone else, and if he’s positive he will have to do a 10 day quarantine. After speaking with CE and the AP, they say this is now the rule, as they do not accept antigen tests as proof that you are covid positive, but they do accept antigen tests as proof that you are covid negative.
Makes no sense to me! Anyone have any insight????
It sounds like the AP was not clear on the guidelines. The only was to be exempt from testing for 90 days is to have recovered from a lab-confirmed positive test. Rapid antigen tests are not lab-confirmed and thus do not qualify. The AP should have told mom to take her son for a PCR to confirm the positive shown on the rapid test.
If he tests on a PCR during weekly testing and comes back positive, he will need to isolate for at least five days and test on day 5 with a rapid test. If that test comes back negative then he can return to school. It’s definitely not ideal but I don’t think there is any way around it unfortunately.
Agree 100% with Lewis. If your child attends an LAUSD school, call this number tomorrow: (213) 443-1300; this line is open 6AM-6PM weekdays. They can help clarify your child’s situation. Also, more information on the Safe Steps link: https://achieve.lausd.net/covidresources. I hope this helps.
We were just informed of this by our principal on Tuesday in our staff meeting. Positive results must now be lab confirmed with PCR. Antigens can be used to clear you from quarantine.
Karen Luber I understand that’s the case now, but her kid tested positive on antigen test on the afternoon of 1/11/22, which was the first day of school
For spring semester
Yes if u suspect your child "might" be positive take them to get PCR tested at an lausd site asap. That way your quarantine starts and ends even sooner and you can keep the rest of the students and staff safe. If negative, you're good. If like in his situation you do an antigen and it's positive...go get a pcr test asap and upload it. Be pro-active to avoid even longer quarantine's. I'm sorry this happened. How frustrating.
First, If you had to sort through the “guidelines” and the 194773892 iterations that have been produced this semester, you’d be confused also at some point or another.
Second, if it isn’t in the Daily Pass, it didn’t happen. Upload it all.
Third, an antigen test shouldn’t have been accepted as a baseline test. Every person was to get a PCR test to return.
Lisa Ann beg to differ, negative antigen tests are 100% allowed to return, not Pcr tests. Once your child has cleared covid via an antigen test, they do not do a Lausd pcr test for 90 days
Leegie Parker I was referring to a baseline test to return to school. This kiddo took a test that looked like it could have been a baseline test.
Lisa Ann antigen tests were accepted for the winter baseline test
Lisa Ann kid tested positive on an antigen test 4 days after his negative pcr Lausd test that allowed his return to school
On 1/11, he lost his sense of smell, school
Acknowledged he was covid positive…
Jenna Siegel Schwartz It’s been so long I actually forgot that. It’s all a blur. We just told everyone go get a PCR test and called it a day.
I am surprised the AP didn’t tell her to upload, that has always been the protocol, it’s one of the few things that has never changed. Unfortunately I don’t think anything can be done about it at this point
Jenna Siegel Schwartz your kid too tested positive on antigen test shortly after start of school, did you have her pcr tested in addition to that after her make sure she was positive, just curious….
Any exciting instruction taking place
Any special assemblies
No field trips or CBI
NO liked or loathed teachers
No indicipherable homework assignments due at midterm or end of term
No concerts or intramural sports
How great/ horrible the subs were
A hot steaming mess. Note the low levels of productive public discourse in general. If this is the new normal-- DEMAND BETTER NOW! CHILDRENS' LIVES HANG IN THE BALANCE/ Are twisting in the winds.If Carvahlo doesn't clean house, he becomes explicitly complicit.Of course perhaps he has a blank slate to build out whatever his Vision for LAUSD 2022 IS TO BECOME.
For the past 49 years, I have continuously given myself over to what I continue to experience as a sacred calling as an Educator, in a variety of different career settings, to be an ongoing example of my dedication to and passion for learning and teaching. Two years into a global pandemic and working exclusively online,a relentless series of unfortunate events have resulted in my being designated by my Primary Care Physician as High Risk for contracting and being severely debilitated by COVID-19. Nevertheless, I intend to use that dedication to learning to help me earn a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Education with an E-learning Specialization from Northcentral University.
I have been blessed to have had a diverse career trajectory and a seamless continual stellar record of paid employment since the age of 13. Here is a thumbnail list of my career and education highlights as verifiable evidence of my dedication to the sacred purpose of Education: Industrial Engineering and defense aerospace Project Management Hired as a Copper Cap Intern (SECRET clearance) assigned to the Norton AFB, BMO ( Ballistic MIssile Office), followed by eight years with Northrop ElectronicsDivision as a Project Manager and Unit Manager. I rebounded from being one of the thousands of laid-off Southern California aerospace workers returning to full-time then part-time work as a floating teller with Mercury Savings and Loan in order to devote full-time to earning a Masters in Theology with a Concentration in Pastoral Counseling at Fuller Theological Seminary.
Immediately upon completion of my Master’s degree, I was admitted with probationary status to begin doctoral studies and clinical training in Marriage and Family Therapy at Fuller’s Graduate School of Psychology while employed in Fuller Seminary’s Continuing Education Department. My academic performance at Fuller resulted in an offer of a fellowship and coveted opportunity to teach upper-division courses in Basic Counseling Skills at Purdue University to continue my doctoral work. Knowing that such a teaching opportunity would not be possible within FTS Graduate School of Psychology, I completed my face-to-face supervised CA-required minimum client hours and decided to transfer to Purdue University to complete my course work, comprehensive exams, dissertation, and remaining client hours.
Unfortunately, after Dr. Douglas Sprenkle, then Director of the now-defunct MFT Specialization Program in Purdue’s Department of Family Studies stated he had forgotten to renew my fellowship, my then-pastor of a United Methodist Congregation where I was under watchcare referred me to a local attorney who successfully got the fellowship restored, but not until I joined the ranks of hundreds of graduate students eligible for food stamp assistance and left with 6-figure Federal Graduate Loan Debt. After the second time he forgot and mysteriously my off-campus apartment was entered and all the data wiped from my home computer, I decided to complete my Basic Counseling Skills teaching assignment and withdraw from Purdue in an abundance of caution for my personal safety and wellbeing.
The following excerpt from my current online pro bono work coaching and mentoring parents who are homeschoolers and pandemic pod teachers is offered as a demonstration of my potential for becoming a thought leader and practitioner-mentor-researcher in the field of E-Learning.
Kudos(!) on your very mindful and learner- centered approach apparent in your detailed comments. In my 49th year as an educational professional my first private tutoring client was 60 years old and wanted to earn her GED after a lifetime of being other peoples' housekeeper. I was a thirteen year old who LOVED playing summer school with my older and younger brothers as a captive audience as we "competed" each summer to see who could read and report on the greatest number of Summer Reading Program* books over break.
Between my parents ( mom, a R.N. who earned her credentials at Tuskegee Institute and dad, who earned a degree in Communications- Radio/TV/Film with the GI Bill at Columbia College in Chicago, IL), and Mr. Joseph Donelson, my sixth grade English/ Language Arts-Reading Teacher, a jazz pianist who became my after-school piano teacher for one glorious second semester of sixth grade, I and my brothers were thrice-blessed with three professionals who like precious few Black Americans in the depression era Jim Crow Alabama still managed to thrive, survive, and provide us the luxury of having three ( or more!) significant adults in our lives who constantly curated increasingly more complex texts using many of the methods you described. It was and remains a labor intensive and time-consuming process in the "Classical Liberal Arts Tradition''. We were daily called upon on demand to demonstrate mastery of what we were learning by being interrogated by each of our teachers. Family gatherings in our apartments** were multi-generational salons about current events. I remember one in particular with our adult and married Cousins , their husbands, my parents, and my Uncle Mark and now 102 year old Aunt Elise, then as now, a treasure trove of commonly known AND carefully hidden family histories. We had very few to none of all the gee-whiz gadgetry, perhaps too prolific and 100% dependent upon electricity in today's state of the art homes and too few majority-minority classrooms. Back in the day, if you had safe and affordable housing fit for human habitation, clean air to breathe, potable water, fresh food to eat, clean clothes to wear until carefully ironed-on patches and lock-stitch sewing skills could no longer cover years of washing, ironing wear and year-- and summer growth spurts and had a free public library you could walk and or take mass transit to get to-- voila(!) you had year-round school. Add in summer and Easter Week field trips "down South'' and or "up North" and or "Back East" and or "Way Out West"(aka- Land of Fruits and Nuts) and our parents adapted curriculum custom tailored for each child's unique skills, interests and abilities. Within curated societal, cultural, and parental limits, whole worlds were discovered- in small bites of the proverbial apple. And so began my lifelong commitment to still becoming a lifelong learner and SPED teacher. In a few short days, my intention is to begin Doctoral Studies at 62 for a PhD in Digital Curriculum Development at Northcentral University, one of the USA's first fully-accredited 100% online universities. In-Home professional Educators such as yourself are my inspiration and motivation. My parents passed away some years ago. Those siblings I mentioned earlier-- well for reasons having to due with inheriting my fathers homophobia/ fears of tech haven't been seen or heard from since we gathered for Mom's celebration of life ( live streamed nationwide in March 2016, btw-- a first for our family). With major technical and production assistance from my friends and family of choice at The Historical Calvary Baptist Church of Paterson, NJ , my mother somehow "arranged" an unplanned overnight layover in Chicago, Illinois at O'Hare International Airport and still managed to get to Braggs Funeral Home ahead of my nonstop flight from LAX to EWR. Her final farewell to her Beloved Calvary Baptist Church and Barnert Memorial Hospital Center families was as a life-sized tapestry. As is our lot in American life, the lay-over had forced my brothers and I to make our last ( to date) family executive decision [with my Adored Dear Cousin Mamye Alexander Gardner gracious service as witness/fellow traveler] for a closed casket. I mention this as it was a seismic break with centuries of Nickerson-Bell-Walker-Thompson family tradition and practice grounded in the almost universal belief that if you never saw the deceased's preserved and Sunday- best dressed remains, the person in question had never really died, they had just transitioned to a new home and a just reward. We believe they are reunited with other family, friends and loved ones. There are no more good-byes, only howdy-howdy's and see-you-later's, never goodbyes. In my gay boi imagination, folks still dress up but stillettos are banned, comfortable shoes prevail, and everyone effortlessly always looks their best! Everyone is there free to love everyone else. Theologian and fiction writer Charles Staples Lewis posits that the legendary All-present, All-powerful and All-knowing Power of pure Agape Love even allows the truly evil to choose this Heaven or their own custom-tailored Hell. Sadly, "over there" as "here and now" they choose Hell over Heaven. Yes, just like in the USA in the midst of Winter 2022, their are no real commands only ever choices to submit and logical consequences for choosing for or against your best interests. What I love about this narrative, at the end of the year, at the end of any given month, at the end of any given week, and at the end of any given day we always have the freedom to choose reward or punitive consequence. For me, that gracious precious gift of unmerited favor is sufficient. THE circle of life be unbroken in the sweet by and by. And the evening and the morning here and over there become the fifth Friday in January and the twenty-eighth day in the year 2022. That's my story and I am happy to stick to it!
25,000 to 35,000 Omicron cases per day. Here's a curious anecdote confirming what Dr. Duc Vuong is describing in Los Angeles, home to the LAUSD+UTLA+AFL-CIO public education behemoth with mid-20th century IT infrastructure: 100% of the discourse on parent-teacher chat groups is ALL THINGS COVID19! Comparatively, Homeschooling and Pandemic Pod groups are actually having robust discussions of education, teaching, students, and or curriculum questions! Whatever is left of American Public Education needs to go in a chipper-shredder to at best be used as fertilizer for a BUILD BACK BETTER THAT WORKS FOR ALL LEARNERS initiative. @Dr. DOC VUONG, kudos -- I know its helping SOME teachers and students in underserved pedagogic models to have a super school year!👍🖖🤟🤎🖤🤍❤🧡💛💚💙💜💯🌈
*- Free Public Libraries began as a guilt-offering of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, an early American Oligarch.
**-my parents chose to live where the best schools were located and blacks had not yet allowed to purchase property. In 2022, the Predominantly White South Paterson neighborhood of my childhood has transmogrified into an Middle Eastern immigrant orthodox neighborhood. Mom sold the Brownstone I left from as a college graduate in 1981 to an immigrant family from Guatemala. The Great American Experiment goes on in 2022.
Bored Teachers is the most engaging teacher platform packed with the funniest teacher humor, classroom ideas & inspiring stories about awesome educators! NO SELF-ESTEEM ISSUES HERE!😂 So, if teachers have time on their hands, a sense of the absurd in their 'MOST engaging platform", what about their students and their parents? Why aren't we seeing their students displaying the e-learning skills mastery that Bored Teachers are displaying here???🧐
A FB post as proof of concept*:
Happy heavenly 66th birthday to my precious husband, Pastor Peyton B. Harrison, Jr.! I know what you're doing today...praising God for one more year to praise Him throughout eternity! And I'm doing the same! 1/28/22
**-Jerri Harrison , have you started journalling your reflections? It occurs to me from knowing you once upon a time in NCE, and his picture.. that he is someone our world might benefit from knowing more about! I mean, we are on the eve of the month where the dominant culture is about to demonstrate what precious LITTLE they and the rest of the entire USA actually knows about OUR SHARED HISTORY! Since we are both somewhere in the Golden State, perhaps we could at least chat about the idea! Vernon Nickerson Schoolcoach ( email:qwschoolcoach@gmail.com) Perhaps even other parishioners could contribute-- make it a Writers Salon of Remembering Black Excellence: For Such A Time As NOW! (Or something like that, IJS...)
It occurs to me: 1.) No wonder Black women have the patience to set for hours getting braids and or weaves that look ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS, BTW, 2.) Somebody like the Admin of Vintage Art Times could publish an art book ( coffee table size, of course) . I think it would sell like hot cakes!🌈💜💙💚💛🧡🌈💯💯💯 Deb Ellis Deborah Nickerson Mamye Alexander Gardner Myesha Hill Adriene Goodrich Glenda Hicks Lori Gibson-Washington , your thoughts?🙂
Pope Francis calls access to accurate COVID information 'a human right'
How INSUFFICIENT AND INPOTENT! In the USA, with all due respect to the Holy(?) See(?), without Quality Healthcare as a human right manifested in a Nationwide healthcare system, led by Americas'University Teaching Hospitals, Cedars Sinai Healthcare, and Kaiser Permanente ( yes people, warts and all!) All the COVID "INFORMATION" already extant on Planet Earth gets us exactly in the mess we are already in! Perhaps, Dear World, the human being pictured below, a mere shadow of Jude Laws' fantasy YoungPope Pious, is the closeted drug addicted ( legal prescription opioids, of course) guru so exquisitely portrayed by Ben Kingsley in...was it Batman, or Superman? Jeff Jones Jeffrey Casey , help me out here on the film reference.
BTW, does anyone know what the catholic leader was actually set aside/set apart (made Holy by and for men??) to actually look at (See) anyway??? Is that not a borrowed Pagan reference to some "The Outer Limits" really creepy all-seeing Third Eye?
(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This message is posted in the Public Interest In order to get All Roman Catholics and their spiritual progeny to stop, look, listen to THEIR HEARTS BEFORE they ever try to "convert", promote, prosyletize, or propagate their all too human smells, sexual repression/expression, and bells, etc. to a single other human being.
And Now, the Thrilling Conclusion to One Hero's Epic Journey
As told to the FB AVATAR of Daniel Britton-Olsen on a Cold Winters Night That Was So Deep
🤪😅😛🤣😀 Good luck pushing that Big Boy in the ICE and snow!
Vernon Nickerson what is this pushing you speak of?
Daniel Britton-Olson Well, well well, sounds like you are a curious mind, as well as cute-for-days... perhaps we should googleCHAT privately? 🌈 I prefer some quality mind-melding time prior to anything else, i.e., the specific "pushing" you speak of ( indoors with all the creature comforts and micro-dose-ing a good Papa&Barkleys 1:1tincture... intrigued???)
BTW: I appreciate the luxury and engineering attention to detail of Rolls Royce, but I like my luxury more reasonably-sized and able to expand-to-fit as opposed to being way too big to fail, if you catch my drift...🙃🙂
Vernon Nickerson so your not with the tow company? And that was not a euphemism.. you spoke of “ pushing” ..
Daniel Britton-Olson You and I...Me and you have THIRTEEN MUTUAL friends. I am curious as to why you ask questions you either 1.) Already know the answers to or 2.) Are A CLOSETED? LOKI? ( You do apparently, have a fetish for land yachts and you actually live in the cold, frozen, north. I am a huge fan of LOKI and also WISH the talented actor who plays him was a close personal friend.)
If you look over my Writing Partner Portfolio on Medium.com, you may, correctly, conclude I 🧡💛💚💙💜💯💯💯🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 word play. I am rather enjoying this particular word play session we are having. Anything that has me wide awake at 3:53 am Pacific/ 5:53 am Central is, I confess, quite arousing. BTW, you are, by at least one definition, eminently correct about me not speaking euphemistically, to wit:
a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
Nothing in my comments is unpleasant or em-bareass-ing🙂🙃. Furthermore, being blunt and or harsh stifles and or stops conversation-- behaviors far too fascist/racist/ xenophobic/ misogynist/ and GOP Log Cabin Republicanesque for my Black Homosexual tastes. Well spoken and literate and engaging, sir. If, sadly, you are merely a voyeur...
Daniel Britton-Olson You and I...Me and you have THIRTEEN MUTUAL friends. I am curious as to why you ask questions you either 1.) Already know the answers to or 2.) Are A CLOSETED? LOKI? ( You do apparently, have a fetish for land yachts and you actually live in the cold, frozen, north. I am a huge fan of LOKI and also WISH the talented actor who plays him was a close personal friend.)
If you look over my Writing Partner Portfolio on Medium.com, you may, correctly, conclude I 🧡💛💚💙💜💯💯💯🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 word play. I am rather enjoying this particular word play session we are having. Anything that has me wide awake at 3:53 am Pacific/ 5:53 am Central is, I confess, quite arousing. BTW, you are, by at least one definition, eminently correct about me not speaking euphemistically, to wit:
a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
Nothing in my comments is unpleasant or em-bareass-ing🙂🙃. Furthermore, being blunt and or harsh stifles and or stops conversation-- behaviors far too fascist/racist/ xenophobic/ misogynist/ and GOP Log Cabin Republicanesque for my Black Homosexual tastes. Well spoken and literate and engaging, sir. If, sadly, you are merely a voyeur...
When I now tell you my late father...in every sense of the word "late" was, without ever asking my permission from ages 3 to 5, my way-too-big-he-left-permanent-scars perpetrator, you will understand I am an incest survivor. DADDY also paid a private physician to perform a right radical orchiectomy on moi-- and allowed the surgeon to implant a silcone prosthesis ( I had no idea such things existed!😱😭😖)-- you will now hear my story- for the first time.
As only an Unconditional Loving Universe would have it, the "THING!" Popped out one fine morning where I was alone in Northwestern University's all singles Foster-Walker Complex ( BSIE 1981). That resulted in a taxicab ride to Evanston Hospital. Daddy, as I still refer to him was jealous that I might have had bigger cajones than his super-size penis/testicle combo. This allowed me first class treatment in two private hospitals in Paterson, NJ and Evanston, IL. SO, now when I say my father was More Donald John Trump than DJT you understand in a way few others can.
So, in the run up to April 26, 2001, the day my Daddy Dearest Died🙂🙃, his best bud and ALPHA PHI ALPHA MLK jr. Wannabee, the Right Reverend Albert Prince of Darkness Rowe cussed me out on a stupid long distance phone call to me down in Dawsonville, Georgia. He wanted me to rush to my dying fathers bedside!!!!?!!!. Unbeknownst to him, I had for decades had a recurring nightmare. In my dream, my mother was pushing a gurney with my skeletor-dad saying, you have to forgive him before he dies! Trust me, there was no fucking way ( bad pun) I was going anywhere near my father-- until he was fully embalmed! 😀😃😄😆😁😅🤣😆🙂🙃😥😢😭 Besides, I had radically completely forgiven him years before his cancer diagnosis. He perhaps had not received it, but my heart was clear. The therapy allows me to write more plainly about these things than ever before. For that I am grateful beyond measure!🙂🙃💜💙💚💛🧡❤🌈💯💯💯💛🧡
Wow! You must be a highly skilled wizard! I have never shared that story in exactly that way before since beginning therapy back in 1984! Funny/profoundly freaky how truly depraved service in the Korean Conflict "BENT" my father. But, since it turned out that my "Cool Heterodox Uncle Joe Mark Nickerson pimped out my dad to Richard Milhouse Nixon on the day of my escape via United Airlines to Southern California - where I lived as an adult from 1981 to 1992 and 2005 to this very day in 2022.
Tune in next time... or Just look me up and become a Medium.com fan!