WATCH (?) Patient Zero: The MYTH of the AIDS Super Spreader (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories” on YouTube or don’t…it matters not to me
In 2022, I type alone after viewing this well constructed narrative-in-memoriam to say thank you to the creators and participants.
That is the message I left on YouTube for posterity. What follows here is a far more nuanced and contextualized message to the OG-MC Gay male out and proud legions who to this day are sexual predators and or BIPOC fetishizing sex fantasy practitioners. Once they allow patient zero to speak as a righteous advocate for gay orgasm-safe sex be damned(!), their defenses of his criminally negligent behavior ring eternally hollow and self-deprecating/debasing/degrading/inhumane. The banality of benign neglect rampages through this selfish and self-centered lament by an exclusively OG-MC male cohort of toxic cisgender masculinity. Not once in the entirety of the film do any of the men speak about the reality of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic which is:
more BIPOC men died and are dying than the OG-MC men who survived and are featured exclusively in PTTMOTASS. We the BIPOC united to form a more perfect union were, are and perhaps will remain invisible while not even hiding in plain sight.
Ironically in 2022, more BIPOC men women and children died and are dying of COVID-19. COVID-19, in its Uber-robust gain-of-functioning version, exists because the same Dr. Anthony Fauci, MD who was the public face of HIV/AIDS treatment research was and is the public face of the research funded in Wuhan by his employer, the USA Federal Government. In case you are wondering, Senator Dr. Rand Paul, investigative reporters for VANITY FAIR Magazine, and venerated and respected Jeffrey Sachs, PhD* and his colleagues have all established who, what, when, where, how, but not yet why COVID-19 was unleashed upon an unsuspecting human race. Has anyone else noticed how unidirectional the humanitarian out reach has not been directed to the USA at all when the USA has led the globe in COVID-19 Hospitalizations and deaths since March of 2020? Honestly, it is as if the world is in its silence SCREAMING finally(!), the USA is knowing the cruelty, grief and loss of millions of its people in all 50 of its states and what territories it yet has dominion over! Revenge is still a dish best served cold, shaken, not stirred. One way or another, by hook or by crook, they will reduce the global population from 300 million to 10 million. I suppose; time will tell.
I suppose that is the real reason Byron Allen-owned and operated TWC started notifying those who still consult it to verify the USA’s DOMINANCE IN SICKNESS AND DEATH that they will no longer report these statistics after August 31, 2022. Between HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, the Lincoln Log Cabin GOP of Republicans and more deadly force weapons loaded with bullets than any other nation on planet earth now on their way into public schools in 29 states in less than three weeks, our mutually assured destruction is on track for a Thrilling Fall Season finale. Yes, tonight I am putting finishing touches on my “CONCERT FOR THE AMERICAS” Apple Music curated playlist. There is, just in time for All Hallows’ Eve, a reading list to compliment the mood I have set down on paper.
Well, with a solid lead of over 20 million hospitalizations ahead of the Continent of India (80 million+ (Team Biden’s USA) versus 40 million+ (Team Modi’s India) it matters not if they report the new dead. Drunk perpetually on the “wine of the world” the USA grows more forgetful with each “Sunrise, Sunset” to borrow from Tevye’s Fiddler on The Roof. Did you also know that 2 of the founding members of the Proud Boys are BIPOC, Enrique Tarrio, bound over for trial, and one Dante Nero (apparently a name he fully embodies), a stand-up comedian and businessman who recanted on Ira Glass’ NPR program, ‘This American Life’ and is apparently now being rehabilitated under the watchful supervision of a talented and venerated BIPOC female Pan African American PhD Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and a tenured Pan-African American tenured Director of Africana Studies program at one of the USA’s premier HBCU’s. Yes, Black folk are still heteronormative exclusively and willfully ignorant of the rainbow of healthy sexuality. My most recent American Experimentation with knarrative.Knubia has proven that in less than a year.
Speaking of BIPOC in the USA, even as they are earnestly gathering the wagons in the proverbial circle, resistance is futile. But then so few of them ever really paid much attention to Star Trek, trying fastidiously to be effete aesthetes,i.e., Down for the CULTURE! Our BIPOC elite are as logic and history would dictate the multicultural doppelgängers to the OG-MC elites, nothing more, no thing(s) less. They will talk and laugh (ie, receive enthusiastically) with their LGBTQIA+ sons and daughters, always from a distance, but they are consistent in not initiating (giving/offering with sincere enthusiasm)such contact.
I plan to leave a string of positive loving emoji’s, perhaps an open door invitation, if I can locate one before Friday, Freaky Friday for the Pan African American elite petite bourgeoisie.
Meanwhile, MY HERO (WHO) FIXES STUFF is writing to call out an injustice. Specifically, why is my brother beloved Enrique Tarrio being offered as “the scapegoat”/“sacrificial lamb” while Dante Nero, also a brother beloved gets not even a metaphorical performative slap on the wrist and was able to have his Proud Boys neck tattoo removed- a classic erasure of history? Who profits in the USA from this miscarriage of justice? In an interesting and creepy factoid, Mr. Nero married the widow of his dear friend Patrice O’Neal, an iconic and revered toxic heterodox BIPOC “bad boy” comedian, a particular favorite of those who fetishize the “bad-boy-pirate” persona.
Nature Boy Nat King Cole
Think! About it what your tryin’ to do to me from The Blues Brothers movie
Bewitched bothered and bewildered (am I)- Lena Horne
Scandalized my name- Battle/Norman/James Levine
House of Cards Main Title Theme with Kevin Spacey on the cover (its okay cause he’s into younger guys, according to the worldwide press)
I heard it through the Grapevine feat. Michael Mc Donald on the album, MOTOWN
Franklyn Underwood Underworld Endersgame, aka FUUE, alter ego to MHFS
Plague Year, by Jeff Carlson; Prey, by Michael Crichton, Nemesis, by Philip Roth** (Google search for science fiction novel about weaponized nanoparticles that attack humans)
*economist Jeffrey Sachs called for an independent investigation of information held by U.S.-based institutions that could shed light on the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic. Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sachs and his co-author, Neil Harrison, a Columbia University professor of molecular pharmacology and therapeutics, said that federal agencies and universities possess evidence that has not been adequately reviewed, including virus databases, biological samples, viral sequences, email communications, and laboratory notebooks. Sachs and Harrison also highlighted a tantalizing scientific detail that may be an indication that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, originated in a laboratory: a sequence of eight amino acids on a critical part of the virus’s spike protein that is identical to an amino acid sequence found in cells that line human airways.
Sachs and Harrison are hardly the first to suggest that SARS-CoV-2 might have been created in a lab. Since its genetic sequence was first publishedin February 2020, scientists have puzzled over the furin cleavage site, an area on the virus’s spike that allows it to be cleaved by a protein on the membrane of human cells and makes the coronavirus particularly dangerous to people. Once split, the virus releases its genetic material into the cell and reproduces. While attaching to cells and spike cleavage is part of how all coronaviruses work, SARS-CoV-2 is the only one of its class, sarbecoviruses, that can use furin for the cleavage.
Liner Note from House of cards season 2 album:
Composer Jeff Beal details his ongoing musical collaboration with House of Cards producer David Fincher: “Very similarly to what we did with season one, David gave me some ideas about where he thought the second season should go. He sent me one little piece of music to listen to that was very helpful — by Angelo Badalamenti for The Comfort of Strangers, a Paul Schrader film. It sounds very much like The Godfather in a way. Basically that was a little shorthand for him saying he felt like the second season was going to want to be even a little darker and a little more sweeping. You know Kevin Spacey’s character is going for the brass ring in season two.” Beal also notes the season’s evolving musical tone is both unusual and gratifying. “I was able to expand the [House of Cards] world even further because of where the story was going.”
**-Listen now to this extraordinary novel in which Philip Roth surprises us again through an epidemic.
In the “suffocating heat of equatorial Newark,” a horrific epidemic wreaks havoc and threatens to leave the children of New Jersey City mutilated, paralyzed, or disabled, and even kill them. This is the surprising theme of Roth’s new and heartbreaking work: a polio epidemic that takes place in a time of war, the summer of 1944, and its effects on the Newark community, governed by the cohesion and values of the family, and on its children.
The protagonist of Nemesis is Bucky Cantor, a young man responsible for the outdoor activities of the students of a school, who lives focused on them and frustrated at not having been able to go to war with his peers due to a vision defect. When polio begins to ravage the playground, Roth focuses on Cantor’s dilemmas and the emotions that such an epidemic can engender: fear, anger, bewilderment, suffering, and pain.
In this novel, now available in audiobook format, we find again the gloomy question that runs through Roth’s last four novels, Elegy, Outrage, Humiliation and now Nemesis: what decisions fatally determine life? To what extent are we powerless in the face of circumstances? Listen to it now.
© Franklyn Underwood Underworld Endersgame. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2022