Final Examination for All Current Residents of Planet Earth- May 8, 2021

(72 hour clock begins at midnight, Pacific Time/3 AM Eastern Time)

Why a Final Exam? Introductory Comments:

My Life is in Your Hands - Kirk Franklin


Pink-skinned folks have got to be incredibly gullible and way too easily manipulated to believe anyone wants revenge for their colonization, rape, incest, grand theft, illegal discrimation against political asylum seekers, continuous violation of Geneva Covention and UN human and childrens rights mandates amongst their ongoing cries of : Far too overused claims: “This is not who America is/ this is not who we are/ this is all the victims’ fault/ it is always their fault ( never specifying who “their” stands for or in place of).

Invocation and Parameters:

My only concerns are: ( Consider this a global final examination) You will only be allowed 72 hours to begin to shift to answering these questions. There cannot be any accommodations granted or questions left unanswered. All questions must be answered completely until there is no further need for them to be answered. Simply by receiving this message, you have acknowledged your intention. Now make your response exceed all reasonable expectations! The only consequence of failure is actually a request for you to plan to blow up the planet and guarantee no survivors— there is no need to propagate, duplicate, and or replicate facsimiles of ourselves or our neural networks ever again.

Final Examination Questions:

1.) Have we rewarded their rude, obnoxious, obsequious, mendacious, arrogant and willfully ignorant behaviors so long that they can never be extinguished?

2.). How much longer are they going to carry on as if all is normal before they finally succeed in destroying the entire planet?

3.). Why won’t they teach us all how to swim, since science has concluded that the “Waterworld” formerly known as the world’s worst feature film will become our reality?

4.). Is death by drowning their final solution?

5.). The cruelty of the one-percenters is unparalleled and unprecedented. Their bloodlust and predation stunning in their consistency over thousands of years that Homo sapiens walked on Earth. Assuming that their perennially fruitless and deadly attempts at first contact have been nothing except a robust army of cosplay enthusiasts, can we stop having to wait for the latest evil criminal masterminds from the political class to reveal 100% of their detailed plans for universal domination?

6.). And why can’t they just give up on capitalism and feed, house and clothe every person on the planet, and be content to live alone in the universe? Whitney Houston is dead, not of her own action, except that she made a fortune telling us that learning to love ourselves is, was, and forever will be the greatest love of all. 7.). WAS THAT alone a bridge too far for the cowards always afraid to look themselves in the mirror? 7.). And finally, why has my so-called BFF from Desert Stream Ministries not bothered to call or write to me in years? I am tired of singing the following songs:

If I make it to the city it will be alright

If I could turn back the hands of time

How can you mend a broken heart?

Make the world go away,

I can’t smile without you, and every other song that is against my best interests to keep on believing, keep on praying, keep on fasting to change the outcome of evil plans and intentions.

8.) Y’all have always valued wasting time over efficiency and economies of scale; can you stop the pretense by stopping the manufactured consent?

9.). Knowing that it is common knowledge that your genocide, weapons of mass destruction, and innumerable plagues and or pandemics are effective, can you shut them down?

10.). Has the loneliness and grief you have always claimed finally driven all of you crazy, murderously crazy and so drunk that all you can do when someone actually is sad is decide that you may or may not offer prayers and condolences?

11.). When will all y’all stop saying “things will get better”, this too shall pass, and get over it, and begin making things better, commit to ending all suffering and woe,help anyone who needs assistance in getting over everything and legislating to disincentivize selfishness and cruelty?

12.) When will you start doing better since we know better about most things we say are inevitable and or impossible?

13.) Has anyone ever thought that if we could finally stop being evil and or self destruction of human and natural resources that we might actually earn the right to a first contact?

14.a). Do you honestly believe that any otherwise hostile environment to human, animal and plant life can be colonized and raped of its resources and people just as y’all have attempted to subjugate Planet Earth?

14.b). Why do you believe that some small subgroup of us are entitled to explore apparently hostile, toxic, and uninhabitable worlds when we consistently, continuously, pervasively, persistently, and profoundly seek to make our current worlds hostile, toxic, and otherwise uninhabitable?

15.). Why do all of the religious continue to argue with so-called non-believers over gifts that allegedly are free to all who would ask for such gifts?

16.) If what they have always offered is so omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, why has “it” not stepped in and saved us from ourselves?

17.). Could it be at the end of all your Herculean efforts that all problems involving money HAVE NEVER BEEN IMPOSSIBLE TO RESOLVE?/HAVE NEVER BEEN PROBLEMS?

18.). Why do we continue to pump knowledge into machines and refuse to find ways to teach small groups of eager students what they need to know to make the world a place that works for all?

19.) Why is “CONTROL” the only thing that always seems to matter to all of y’all? 20.). Why are you always happy to maintain a stasis AND demand change only when it benefits some but never all?

21.) Why do you never share without guilt or shame?

22.) Why have you always worked so hard to make the prophecies of your heresies and blasphemies real and or manifest?

24.) Why did you invent a concept called Unconditional Love and claim no one can ever practice such love?

25.). Why did you invent Unconditional Positive Regard and never practice such regard?

26.). Why did you write and make common knowledge about THE GOLDEN RULE and continually devote large amounts of energy, time and money to repeated Golden Rule violations?

Grading Rubric:

1 - You may now have correctly realized that none of these questions may be submitted as if answered individually.

2 - You are required to organize teams globally to formulate submittable and actionable answers to every question.

3 - The test is open book, open notes. Your solutions must be easy and replicable immediately.

4 - There is no “grade” to compare individual and group performance. *

5 - You have all the time and resources necessary to answer every question.

6- Failure to produce final viable answers to each of the 26 questions is a fail for the entire group.

7 - No exceptions or accommodations.

8 - You will have to collectively figure out how to engage every person and record every passing response in a publicly accessible database, in perpetuity.

9 - If their are any deaths after the test is published, understand that someone has tried to game the system by becoming the last man standing.

10 - We will ultimately all fail if anyone refuses to join a group to focus solely on solutions.

11 - Ignorance has never been bliss, just a time-limited extension. This is the main reason for no exceptions and or accommodations.

12 - You can only submit any clarifying questions regarding specific questions. Please understand the answers will be Yes, and or, No, and or Maybe.

13 - This is a pass/fail exam. To be considered finished, all exam grades must be PASS *

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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