
From your article: the QUINTESSENTIAL TAKEAWAY IS “The goal is to outgrow this destructive, meaningless tribalism once and for all.” HOWEVER, since I reached out for help 29 months after moving into housing unfit for human habitation owned and operated by a group of generationally wealthy Los Angeles City/County/State of California Orthodox Judiaca elites (and elected Judges and Superior court staff who all happen to be descendants of post-Armenian genocide) whose ancient texts scapegoat all people with skin color that is darker than translucent pink (ie,melanin challenged): see details here:
On Thursday morning, February 2, 2023 at 8:30 am, I appeared at State of CA Superior Court, Van Nuys East, Department H. It was my 7th virtual court appearance on 22VEUD00854 because I am a person living with BLEPHAROSPASM in both sets of eyelids. This means I deal with random intermittent 100% blindness (since 2010). Yet, after 8 months of Severe physical and psychological harrassment (A. illegal pay or quit notices posted on RSO (RENT-CONTROLLED) unit and tenant (granted Section 8 voucher on May 28, 2022) covered by LOS ANGELES CITY COVID-19 RENTERS RIGHTS ORDINANCE; B. Over 2 years of exposure to toxic water from an illegally-modified-at-installation-gas/electric hot water heater (that had to be shut down in 12.2023 by SoCal Gas); toxicity of water 1:1800 colony forming bacteria units ( normal is 1:1 cfbu’s)per testing from LADWP water quality control , and C. Raw sewage human waste pumped up through kitchen sink; flooding cabinets and floor on October 25, 2022 and December 22, 2022, which so far has resulted in D. Finding legionnaires virus in my bodily fluids- a final tuberculosis test and chest x-ray are pending, hopefully this coming week— I was illegally evicted in absentia, ie, not admitted into courtroom until 2:32 pm on Thursday, February 2, 2023 when Judge Michael R. American’s assistant, informed me of the ruling and fines, but refused to tell me when “lockout notice” would be posted. The jury trial I requested per my original reply to 22VEUD00854 BACK ON AUGUST 5, 2022 WAS NEVER PROVIDED. Instead, an angry and belligerent Judge AMERIAN on January 26, 2023, “gave” me 7 days to prepare for a jury trial without an attorney whereas he had ‘gifted’ the plaintiffs attorneys with 7 months to prepare.

I need legal assistance, but have been told by Luis Inocente, Of Counsel with Ernest and Spencer that I have no legal right to pro bono defense. His firm, among others have refused to take the case on contingency. The only attorney that has said they would take the case wants a $2000.00 retainer. As I survive on $221/month cash aid and an EBT card and Medi-Cal since 2021, I do not have those funds. I launched an online fundraiser, but it has only yielded $65.00 thus far. An active cockroach infestation means even if I found and moved into a better space, bringing roaches would see me evicted again.

I need legal assistance to reverse the eviction, actually have a ‘new(?) jury trial, and get damages, relocation costs, etc. in a civil suit as well. I do not know why any of this is happening- except, that I am single, black, male, Christian, gay (celibate for over three decades- as part of lab work to find out what toxic water exposure has caused, I recently tested NEGATIVE for the current known STDs, and covid-19). I have had no hot-or-cold running water since January, 2023.

Well, let’s just say it feels like we are on track to help Nature eliminate Homo sapiens altogether and consequently create space for the next set of sentient beings. I will always wonder why we never chose accepting our common origin and infinite variety within our common origin, peace, sharing, and a cooperative barter economy, without any deities, supreme beings, etc.



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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