From your robustly researched and sourced essay: “There are no variant readings, I find, for John 13:34, where Jesus says: “Love one another.” WHAT A RELIEF THAT IS TO ME. ( no Humor/cynicism/parody in that statement, by the way. I am truly relieved and encouraged the Homo sapiens may yet survive—a faith and hope BEYOND ALL REASON. Particularly true since I have salvaged(?) only something I call ‘The Four Pillars from a lifetime of Christianity ( multiple mainstream denominations), an expensive graduate degree in Theology with a Concentration in Pastoral Care and Counseling, and so much more.
1-UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, 2-UNCONDITIONAL POSITIVE REGARD, 3- THE GOLDEN RULE, and 4- LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF IS THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL [LTLYITGLOA]. Sadly, IN 2023, I have yet to identify a single organized spiritual community in all the USA that Jesus Christ would be unconditionally welcomed to join.
Jonathan POLETTI, , please keep writing, thinking, and sharing! ☮️👍🌈🎉✌️🖖🏾 (C) VERNONNICKERSONSCHOOLCOACH 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.