USA, USA, think about what White men are obsessed with -- the control of ALL the women (Texas, anyone?!?). Women are the most essential part of the creation and evolution equations. Male breeders looked up one day and realized, traumatized, that they were interchangeable.
Because of my natural tendency to want to live in a world of fiercely unconditionally loving gay siblings, it has taken me over half a century to accept these truths as self-evident. I will no longer, blindly and uncritically support men in general and or toxic masculinity in particular. A constant critique of both their houses is necessary and long overdue. I refuse to watch silently as they would destroy my home planet with their petty perennial bickering and whining and domestic abuse, terroristic threats and endless in the Americas (?) gun violence.
Women are the quintessence of reason. Why not let the man who has done the best he could under unprecedented circumstances for the most people in the state that elected him ( in spite of AND OR because of his charisma) finish his term. Generations of women ( and men) remember and are benefitting TODAY because of the last Democratic Governor they supported AND OR we are able to openly criticize and hold accountable. Meanwhile, left to their own packed courts, "THEY!" are still trying to pretend the treason and insurrection we all witnessed live and in technicolor was actually treason and insurrection punishable by law.
Even the ACTOR as Insane White Man in Makeup is days away from acquittal. I suppose that is their way of rewarding him for his costume selection. I would rather give Edith Head a posthumous and well deserved set of Oscars, Emmys, Tonys and art direction Grammys. Yes, her influence was that great.
We have all now experienced a toxic masculine heterosexual tyrant that retaliates against all of his critiques and leads only by fear, manipulation, and control. He is a profoundly physically and or emotionally handicapped man who is currently so lonely he could only live in a state of siege in a state led by his clone ( a brother from another mother) who would see everyone in his state, stressed, anxious, sick, dying or almost dead. It is very clear, or rather it should be very clear, what is possible when you stoop so low as to recruit almost 50 assorted least qualified candidates for the hardest job in the part of the country that has more freedom than the older but no wiser rest of the country just over the Intermountain West.
It is time for Teenaged USA to put away childish things and move into its' Young Adulthood. As an educator, I absolutely love the end of summer and the beginning of the new academic year because I am excitedly anticipating the growth spurts of maturity that my students ALWAYS and ALL WAYS exhibited. This is as true in September 2021 as it was in September of Year One.
The California of 2021 now knows the logical consequences if electing professional entertainers, directors and or producers like Ms. Shriver's ex-husband. Lest anyone believe otherwise, SCOTUS Thomas is not the only prominent and accomplished-yet-self-hating Black man who seeks power but has only really earned entertainment street creds. Besides, Lawrence Elder is way too comfortable hiding behind make up and lip gloss(?), lip stick(?) for anyone to trust him as anything more than an entertainer. Left to his own curated team of angry, petty, and insecure yes men ( who cannot seem to stay in any loving and intimate relationships, by the way), he has an imagination that should be studied as a cautionary tale and not idolized as an aspirational goal.
While we are chatting early on a Sunday, the second Sabbath day, may I also strongly suggest we abolish the current "Circus of Stars" Recall Pageant in The Golden State. Government, warts and all, is essential to keep the air breathable, the lights on, the planes, trains, and automobiles running, and the water potable.
Entertainment and media moguls are a dime a dozen and an acquired taste different depending upon how enthralled humans are with hi-tech, low-touch television. They amongst all the professions, need to stay wherever it is they have always been. They have never really been essential.
For an Amazonial Prime example, look at what Hollywood has been able to produce without the brutal tyrannical leadership of Weinstein and his gang of complicit thugs. Let September 14 remind all of us that Entertainment professionals, including but not limited to the entire Jenner-Kardashian-West clan, are better left for on-demand and live streamed amusement.
Actors portraying the characters we love to hate and or idolize to play ON TV AND IN FILM AND OR ADVERTISING are so good at their craft that they are impossible to ever be trusted with our human lives. Why hasn't playing roles/characters ever been enough for the icons of greed, cynicism, and selfishness? Hint, hint, they are greedy, cynical, and profoundly self-centered. Idiot savants is a term that immediately comes to mind today.
Upon mandatory consideration and contemplation, the TWO GREATEST GIFTS of Novel Coronaviruses that US dollars paid to weaponize and conveniently scapegoat the nation-state from the East, things go horribly wrong whenever you begin to interact with actors who have been trained to do one thing extremely well-- make-believe and market fiction. If dear, earnest, and passionate Lin Manuel's HAMILTON! hasn't proven that fact, well, you've probably not yet been mesmerized by its artistry. Perhaps making America great again demands a return to Silent Films.
Perhaps...perhaps...most definitely because a moment's peace and quiet would finally give us a chance to imagine and achieve a world that works for everyone is not the world the parents of Baron Trump cravenly crave consistently.
My mother was right, my father, quite the accomplished, articulate Svengali- Nostradamus. He was a closeted actor/ provocateur with innate talents who hid-in-plain sight as a Communications Major ( Radio, TV, film Concentration, btw) while working his paying gig as an UBER-talented dresser of women for Evans Fur Company of Chicago-Paris-Milan. He was a Black Log Cabin Republican version of Edith Head-- he was an edgy and cruel mistress/master. There, I finally said it. And that, as it is wisely said, settles it!
* "HE!" lets cult acolytes and culture cancel his human critics.
So it is 9.5.2021, 06:15 am, Pacific Daylight Saving Time. Selah.
(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All rights reserved.