Member-only story
In other news, the LAUSD SUPERINTENDENT ALBERTO CARVALHO’S conversational ENGLISH is broken.*
There are lots of words in the article above that sound like progress is being made — and prompt more questions than answers being provided by our High-PROFILE FLORIDIAN IMPORT. For example, educators have known since the inaugural years of HEAD START that it yields better long term educational outcomes for children in families aged 3 to 5. Some reasons for consistently better outcomes — Head Start Teachers are required to make home visits and all necessary wrap-around socioemotional and or educational supports for home learning and parenting are delivered by collaborative teams: teachers, child-in-the-family counselors, special education intervention services and parental training in the HEAD START educational model that already exists [ I REPEAT MYSELF ON-PURPOSE HERE]. Yes gentle readers, in the USA and AROUND THE WORLD, WE KNOW ECE (early childhood education) works. Why are LAUSD + UTLA + SEIU99+ LACOE + BOE allowed to waste time, money, and Human Resources on unnecessary ‘innovations’ while children are aggressively denied essential educational supports? Why do LAUSD consumers allow financial decisions and most critically, the performance assessment of “the Superintendent from Ron DeSantis’ Florida” to be…