This Just in from an ER doctor friend of mine:
( Share widely, just for the record. History needs a detailed witness to this insanity. It is important that the record shows many of us resisted the Zeitgeist of Mass Hysteria and Blind Rage.) Commentary:

I’ve done more than my fair share of expert testimony at trials, and I have to admit that I am dumbfounded by the defense in the Chauvin trial. I am reminded that the goal isn’t to find the truth but to find any possible means to provide protective cover to their murderous client.

This is what I’m hearing: If we were racing cars, and I nudged yours off a cliff, throwing it onto rocks below, where it stayed for 5 seconds before it exploded, the terminal heart attack produced by the involved injuries is what caused your death, and therefore I shouldn’t be liable for nudging you off the cliff in the first place. We’re basically being asked to believe a coincidental presence of drugs and/or medical comorbidities has anything to do with the obvious. Even with the lunacy of this argument, isn’t there a "fruit of the rotten tree" provision in the law? This certainly is the main consideration in any death certificate I (as the emergency physician) or the medical examiner would sign.

We really should really ask ourselves what it means that it has taken all of these weeks to hold a trial for which there is video evidence to show exactly what happened for at least 8 minutes and 15 seconds. Again with the whatabouts... It was a knee to the neck that prevented oxygen delivery and caused asphyxiation. Case closed. #AskSterlingMD


(Holy Week Meditation on Current Events) Digging Deeper:

What things are really important? This massive sorting out of what it means to parent an uncondtionally-loved child, that is what has occurred, and it is good that it is very so.
Let us Focus on what we have learned this past year. How can we use our failures to improve our present and future realities?
Universal challenge to live and lead by the Golden Rule could not hurt and just might help. The 7 last words of George Floyd: I Can Not Breathe; PLEASE HELP ME! What if those were the last words Derek Chauvin's mind , body and soul, ever heard again? Will we ever know if that is already the ultimate truth in this case?

Here is how we will soon know for sure, 100% Guarantee!

1.) If he never speaks again, that will mean he is still contemplating those last words of the main he choked to death by applying a mixed martial arts "blood hold choke" that can kill in 20 seconds or less for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. From my POV, this might be considered by some to be the most optimum outcome possible for all parties .

2.) He is acquitted and reinstated as a law enforcment officer anywhere. This will mean he has been rewarded for his behavior and incentivized to be repeat that behavior whenever emotionally triggered and a potential violation of law is involved. Of course that depends on how much longer we hold the 'innocent until proven guilty" expectation as a nation of immigrants/ancestors of chattel slaves/slave overseers, slave owners, etc. We the people have the most to lose with this outcome, Mr. Chavin gains everything in this scenario.

3.) He spends the rest of his life on earth repairing the breach in the Minneapolis communities most impacted by the loss of George Floyd the father, son, dad, and uncle to real and fictive kin. In this scenario, Mr. Chauvin powerfully role models for children and adults, a true apology and response that seeks to acknowledge and honor the life lost. It is to give the best life George Floyd lived new breath, while demonsrating helping behaviors. From my POV, it is the highest and best reponse to the 7 Last Words of George Floyd, I can not breathe! Please Help me! "Derick Chauvin spends the rest of his life on earth repairing the breach in the Minneapolis communities most impacted by the loss of George Floyd the father, son, dad, and uncle to real and fictive kin. In this scenario, Mr. Chauvin powerfully role models for children and adults, a true apology and response that seeks to acknowledge and honor the life lost. It is to give the best life George Floyd lived new breath, while demonsrating helping behaviors." And so it is and evermore shall be! Amen.

. The 7 last words of George Floyd: I Can Not Breathe; PLEASE HELP ME!

Psalm 23 Old Testament lesson
Phillipians 4 New Testament and beyond for daily contemplation (4:8)
A selection: And Still I rise set to music- Maya Angelou
B selection(s); Cain't no grave hold my body down!, I'll rise again, He Lives!
Recessional: Tell it whereever I go!

. The 7 last words of George Floyd: I Can Not Breathe; PLEASE HELP ME!

Dedicated to the as yet invisible father sperm that met with the mother egg to allow Amanda Gorman to become a stunning example of what happens when generations of mothers get to singularly focus on nature/nurture, completing ignoring the overly-hyped accepted coupling wisdom traditions of the failed colonizers.

. The 7 last words of George Floyd: I Can Not Breathe; PLEASE HELP ME!

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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