Kudos on your article, specifically the patience, care and attention to detail in your comments. More importantly, one comment you made highlights a perennial issue of all the men who have ever had anything to do with Kardashian females and the men who’s paths intersect with this post- OJ loyalist turned OJ arch-enemy. IN general, the stereotypical tropes of women locked in submissiveness and lower status, intelligence and power with equally stereotypical tropes of powerful, athletic, and procreative men. Every masculine encounter with an adult Kardashian female apparently consistently discounts and rejects any wisdom these women have. CCJK apparently learned nothing in either of their engagements with parent and entrepreneur Kris Khardashian - Jenner. They came into the relationship a snarky and opinionated athlete with a ton of ambition as “ The World’s (former) Greatest Athlete” and left the marriage apparently after becoming a GLAMA-ZON on the cover of Vanity Fair, snarkiness and opinions intact. Nice work, they tried, they got their shot at fame and glory!
The idea that these duly noted achievements entitle them to run for Governor is mostly from the fevered brain of Reagan ( and Nixon?) nostalgia-fans. Now that the pink-skinned people who marketed one too many unqualified, mediocre, and unimaginative “great White Hopes have shot their wad by promoting Caitlyn, one can only hope they will not continue as a candidate. Obviously, until that happens, American Idiocy and Exceptionalism continue to transcend any gender dysphoria they may have resolved.