Member-only story
MHWFS…AND THE STRAIGHTER-THAN-STRAIGHT GAY MALE HATERS are not a mouthful of anything more than words and fading memories, now and forever, may it always and ever be so. And so it is.
Or rather , so it WAS… you see, ONCE, UPON A TIME…
Watch “A Kiss on the Forehead Sparks “Wakanda Forever” Controversy?” on YouTube
NOTE HOW DEFTLY, TWO HETERODOX WOMEN IN THE HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN KING(S), A.K.A. (And Alpha Kappa Alpha sorors) New York City, NY express so so fake smiling outrage at The Peoples Republic of China( virulently homophobic since its inception- read any well-referenced history of China to confirm this statement, btw). The P.R.O.C. and our (USA’s) trading partner appear to do Dr. Karen Hunter’s bidding for free. Meanwhile, quiet as it is surely kept by her Theologian(?) and Life Partner Scott URAEUS Watson (with a beautiful baby boy likely via surrogacy who came out with his mother’s skin tone, and not his darker-hued daddy’s skin tone. Full disclosure, the orthodox DR.S.U.WATSON knows for a certainty that Vernon Nickerson is 100% gay-and-FOREVER-celibate-by-choice and lifestyle, as he was part of an all-male-all the time_ early morning prayer group and willing participant at the recurring Men’s Night out Dinner/Barbecues hosted by grillmaster Vernon Nickerson, typically with some alcohol-infused dessert (where the alcohol was burned-off, btw, leaving only the flavor. DR. HUNTER, OF CUNY-HUNTER COLLEGE AND…