MHWFS…recognizes fellow Survivor- Heroes in 2022
y, noisily, alone, together, slowly, rapidly as a single fatality and or any group of fatalities. What happens when/if their paychecks stop coming?
Tier 3
At this point, I am compelled to consider a third group of US who endure, by some one or more unfathomable miracles who continue to work for many different people, grateful for the opportunity to create quality content who have consistently been paid at or below minimum wages all of our working lives. Some of this cohort, perhaps 99.999% of this group have had their real wages stolen.
Meanwhile all the same people profiting prodigiously while paying all three groups are still building generational wealth whether this third group lives or dies. This third Tier would be the orphans( by virtue of the loss of parents, family, and or friends by illness, intentional abandonment, etc.), those deemed senior citizens by their governance structure, chronological age, the widows, the differently-abled children and adults, or someone deciding it was easier to let their lives expire than letting them move into Tiers 1 and or 2. In fact, no one considers they have any possibility of ever becoming elite.
It is my considered opinion that this last cohort at this moment are mostly not finding it necessary or essential to lie for any reason at all. In fact, I expect they are mostly truth tellers beyond all reason. Moreover, in the world I have described in these few speculative paragraphs, cousin Herschel Walker appears quite sane. In fact, I see him as a quite sane father with ex-wive(s?)/ ex-heterosexual female partner(s?) and children needing financial support who will enthusiastically continue to lie to remain as close to the Elite and Tier 1 or Tier 2 communities as possible. Does anyone in the USA in 2022 and or people like Mr. and Mrs./ Ms(?) Spivey, having earned a post-pandemic European Holiday, ever want to join Tier 3? As matter of fact, I strongly suspect the only way Cousin Herschel Walker will ever shut down his campaign is if he accepts a far better financial offer to work as a truth teller. At least this is what makes sense to me today as a viable way to make sense of the choices Cousin Herschel continues to make, truth be damned as long as human cruelty and economic poverty remain persistent, pervasive, and endemic in the USA.
If someone is interested in helping me help my cousin, feel free to Zelle me as I have apparently always been in Tier 3. I just realized that earlier today, and I am strangely calm, even as another day of zero-based budgeting and work begins today.
I Never Knew LOVE Like This Before
All the Best from Boogie Wonderland!
I SAY A LITTLE PRAYER FOR ALL THE ELITES, WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF ALL Y’ALL? To whom and for what do you pray, if at all?
Yea! Footloose
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Preview YouTube video I Will Survive
Preview YouTube video Never Knew Love Like This Before (Extended Mix)
Never Knew Love Like This Before (Extended Mix)
Preview YouTube video Boogie Wonderland
Preview YouTube video I Say a Little Prayer
Preview YouTube video Footloose (From “Footloose” Soundtrack)