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MHWFS SUGGESTS Watch “Did Identity Politics DESTROY Bernie’s Movement? (w/ Norm Finkelstein)” on YouTube
AT 11:00 FF, BRIHANA JOY GRAY’S frustrations at lack of support parallel my frustrations in accessing all the venerated social service infrastructure with fabulous websites but zero access to licensed attorneys for every person facing eviction in Los Angeles city and county. The legal process is controlled by licensed and paid attorneys in collusion with Superior Court Judges- always for the property owners and openly aggressively against the defendants, always stating they do not want defendants to surrender(???) their civil rights. I have found the entire eviction to homelessness pipeline with lawyers paid to not do any. work on behalf of clients assigned by zip code- not by attorneys track record in successfully defending against harassment and illegal evictions per LA City Ordinance.
When defendant’s ‘victory’ is having valid complaints of attorney malpractice preventing lawyers from advocating at court for clients- and the big money and power comes only from managing the taxation and estates of the local oligarchs, I have now seen, had my life expectancy reduced by, and continue to be tormented, mocked and abused by the judicial and social service infrastructure — and why I do not ever want to become a renter in the USA. I. and every Defendant to millions(?) of evictions into multiple pandemics, street violence, and a rapidly intentionally shrinking social safety net, have no…