Monday Morning Con Game from NYC'S NYPYJRag
Yellow Journalism (YJ)*** at its Finest continues at the New York Post (NYP). In the article linked above, Jewish male reporter Adam Mushnik (very ironic Old Testament first name and comedy- gold surname, too) is not a fan of two Black icons in the fields of rap/ hip-hop and NFL Football.* So, Mr. Mushnick’s Editors approve his hit piece about the icons appearances on the Monday Night Football franchise 'hosted/ghosted' by Peyton and Aaron Manning.
Mr. Mushnick, no doubt in exchange for what some would call blood money, makes a laser-like attack on two icons who were hired to attract fans to a sport that has yet to reckon being 1.) a professional sport-to-concussion-pipeline and 2.) darling of white-racists-in-the-LogCabinRepublicanMultiverse.
In 2021, " The Dominant Culture giveth, the Dominant Culture taketh away. Blessed ( happy) to profit in both cases, be the Name of "their" Lord, who conveniently is Never to be Named”. Why are ad hominem attacks consistently directed toward the wealthiest Black Americans of all genders and sexual orientations with such feral intensity? All they have ever done is what their white promoters, funders, lords and masters have told them, permitted them, and paid them handsomely to do. What has been going on? What is going on? What apparently will continue to go on until the end as we will come to experience it?
Well, gentle/nevergentle readers, here is one robust reason why:
Currrently at 700 million people, Planet Earth’s population has been deemed by professional academics/scientists/philisophers to require downsizing and simplifying to 7-to-10 million total population to be sustainable. Meanwhile, nature continues to evolve in order to adapt to the impact of homo sapiens' lifestyles on Planet Earth.
Either we continue as we are today OR, we collaborate, chose to co-exist with all current belief systems and worldviews(?, Optional) and plan** a smooth transition to a sustainable planet earth as some United Planet Earth. Overall, we appear to be way too drunk with and addicted to the "wine of the world" to ever choose to make such a shift. Currently, what humans are doing is choosing "no change" as a permanent default mode. The road to the end of our lives is wide and paved with good intentions, the New York Post, Fox Media, CNN, MSNBC, and hit pieces by Adam Mushnik.
Meanwhile, from relative obscurity , currently benched on the sidelines with a decent view of the playing fields of Earth, I continue to watch, grieving and feeling overwhelmed and helpless. Still, I remain, absolutely convinced that their are powerful and super-intelligent legions who, if listened to and or funded ( or willing to share from abundance of financial and material resources) could lead masses through planning and production of a world that works for all of its inhabitants.
On a sustainable Planet Earth, compassionate consequences would see the New York Post and Mr. Mushnick in hospice receiving the best palliative care their fortunes can buy. Sure, we would have Flag football instead of the NFL and ESPN, but we would be alive and well to reminesce together or simply enjoy the pleasure of each other's company.
Epilogue of Essential Asterisks:
*- Why is any of this newsworthy, USA, USA? Well for the NYP, newsworthiness = clickbait = income to build on extant generational wealth. This equation reflects how the people who survived the holocaust deflect the world's attention away from the systematic slaughter of Palestinians in the State of Israel. They do this dirty work of divisiveness and destraction with surgical precision and malacious intent. Critique of their exquisite use of every possible negative stereotype must be viewed through their consistent propagation of The Old Testament, commonly also known as The Hebrew Bible by American Evangelical and Judaica scholars. Pay close attention to that specific pairing because its' stock-in-trade, modus operandi, and sole premeditated intent is the marketing of Fear and Doubt for mega-profits from provocative pandering to racist domestic terrorists in Israel and the United States of America. The Old Testament narrative is chock-full of judgement, hypocritical behaviors, hatred-of-self-and-others, patricide, homicide, suicide, genocide, deception, and legendarily lecherous, low-down and dirty royalty. Miraculously and Intentionally, the Old Testament narrative is made palatable by a robust counter-narrative of an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent YWYH- YAHWEH- Creator of the known Universe.
** - 'plan' is considered a 4-letter-word by the oligarchs and reigning plutocrats-in-charge
***- Yellow journalism and yellow press are American terms for journalism and associated newspapers that present little or no legitimate, well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.
(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All rights reserved.