My Hero (W.H.O.) fixes Systems drops the other shoe. He refuses to allow the sun to go down across the USA on any residual wrath…
Our story continues with the MHWFS entourage receiving this notice ahead of publication of the next installment of MHWFS fantasy slowing becoming a non-fiction summer blockbuster pot-boiler. This is especially since our hero calmly realizes why no one has ever really read everything he has published as soon as he had any insights. But it may all be too little, too late. Time alone will tell. So, on the evening of 09–15–2022, my brand new life, release 3.0 will begin, Love willing and the whatever will be will be. I am grateful to have 100% clarity ahead of the Fall Midterms, aren’t we all?
Life after exposure to Greywater in drinking and bathing water. LA Health Dept.did not take call ; LADWP did take a water waste report. Property owner Emgergency line rings in the Phillipines. Meanwhile, I am managing symptoms as they occur under all COVID-19 Protocols. This explains why on 12/29.2019 my blood test indicated MAJOR ORGAN FAILURE. Recall, my Widney CPTC classroom was the only one with high toxic levels of lead in the drinking. hand washing water. No other classroom was affected, per me asking my “colleagues” at that time. Sadly, Greggory Williams, Jr. (3GW) who has been on the trusted BCC list and (is connected to some Yahoo(!) in Poland(!!)Vergil Smith* (?!) on YouTube) ,is somehow aware of me since at least 2005, years before we actually met face-to-face January 1, 2022 in Valley Glen, CA community park. I set my sights high for 2022-ff and have not been disappointed one iota.
Everyone at Looking Glass Childrens Services, LAUSD and or UTLA is complicit by omission, commission, or any other “plausible deniability”. CONSEQUENTLY, only major prayer covering will do over this seminal conversation with my PCP. There are quite likely millions of birthright PanAfrican Americans in the USA and around the globe who have been American Experiment “scapegoats” , dead and or dying, rejected intially by their biological Black families and or families of choice, because of their sexual affinity group identification. This has always been unfair and unjust, since no one really knows who these human beings are unless they have been sexually intimate with me — which is none of any of you fine folks.
* Well there was that avatar from Kiev that struck up a chat on when I was off work at home from LAHSA and accessible to the FoodJoy Network in Old Town Reseda, due south of CSUN as the crow flies south towards DTLA and north to Metrolink from 2010 to 2014. That gets our timeline from Neighbor2Family Decatur, GA to Malibu/Santa Monica to LAHSA, to WCA4H to Oak Creek to LAX/ Marina Del Ray Hospital to Oak Creek, WI to Paterson, NJ to MKE-LAX to LGCS to LAUSD + UTLA and right through COVID-19, The Jewish Real Estate Lawfirm and Just-Us-Overworked-Chickens for Iberian-Portugese resettlement and the summer of 2022. Now, if I could just place KarenHunter’sKnubianKnarrative Project, a/k/a safe house for legions of Angry and irate PanAfrican, Jamaican and PanAfrican-Americans like the two biracial founders of the Proud Boys, a sort of reverse-engineered Black version of the right wing nationalist boys-only fraternity with those hideous white bedsheets butchered by construction paper scissors instead of sewing scissors (IJS), then it would all make perfect sense to the “alphabet soup gang”: ABC, CBS, CBSN, NBC, MSNBC, SNL, CN, CNN, FOX Entertainment Television, NPR, PBS, CBC, BBC, NatGeo, BlackStarNetwork, Disney+, Hulu ( or the House that Alec Baldwin voice-overed to media dominance). Well, okay, they are not technically a gang of any sort, but the alphabet metaphor is just too good for any teacher to pass up! Now I finally see how I got that CIA recruitment letter after Union Carbide- Parma Research Center appointment was pulled back in December, 1990. Had to hustle the remainder of my Spring 1981 NU graduation. But it turns out mine was the first Tech Institute Graduation class to leave without 100% employment. That was definitely what set me up to jump at the best paying and furthest away from the Tormentor-Pervert WCNB, not to be confused with WKRP in Cincinnati, home to a bunch of progressive Negros dating all the way back to 1848. But that is an actual history lesson for another day. As science and fiction-fantasy transition to surreal life non-fiction- and ALL THAT JAZZ! After a rousing rendition of Springtime for H$$$ler and His-Story (arr. 2020–’21), just for kicks and giggles, right?