MY HERO W.H.O. Fixes Systems is Seeing
MY HERO W.H.O. Fixes Systems is Seeing the “Winds of Change” as “3 Hate-Speakers Hiding” in Los Angeles City Council in 2022…and
Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez Resigns after being taped w/Kevin DeLeon and Gill Cedillo agreeing to all the vile negative AntiPanAfricanAmerican tropes and stereotypes. Especially SAD and CRUEL for a child who was slandered by her speech and their complicity SILENCE=CRUELTY, and all those present need immediate behavioral hygiene intervention. STAT via @Deadline
AND…in other Los Angeles City and County News, BASTA LAW, the law firm with the sole source contract to provide pro bono representation at court to me and tens of thousands of singles and families facing UNLAWFUL DETAINERS. with incorrect and or false information, generally lacking all required signatures, and or improperly served by Senior Management of at least one large rental property owner, MJW Investments. MJW has a major ongoing footprint in the apartment-complex dense 91401 zip code, a neighborhood. known as Valley Glen.
Valley Glen is a also the name of a hidden treasure community park in this walkable. and densely populated working class/middle class mixed-use single-home/apartment complex/commerical property enclave in the SanFernando Valley. Interestingly, REDFIN, a global(?) or national real estate listing application says the affordable homes north, northwest, and northeast of 91401 are high risk in our future indefinite of flooding due to climate change-fueled supern storms. The only thing I now for certain in the neighborhood I have called home is that all the major intersections flood with water and debris. I simply has thought that this was due solely to regular maintenence deferred due to the 2020 March State-County-City COVID-19 lockdown. Too many of us who are housed have tried after hours on the phone holding for LA County Housing Department, LAHSA, LA City Councilperson Adrin Kerkorian, LA County Supervisors, LA County Department of Mental Health, LADWP, and all of the regulatory agencys responsible for safe and clean drinking water in southern California. I have been saddened and sobered to learn that anyb property owner can simply install cross-contaminating pipse containing. toxic-to-humans and pets “greywater”into kitchen and bathroom faucets, sinks etc. (with the sole exception Supervisor Holly Mitchell’s office, which was also attentive, helpful, and answering phones) when she was my CA State Senator from May 13, 2020 until November 14, 2020 when I excaped from a roach-infested, biting carpet mite infested second-floor garden apartment in reverse-gentrifying South Central Los Angeles, now known as Edgemont.
Ironically, the Edgemont garden apartment’s buildings owner/landlord was a female BIPOC LAHSA attorney who resigned moments before the then-CFO at LAHSA was taken into custody. for mishandling funds in September of 2005, the same day I started as a Contract Specialist with LAHSA.
Just last Thursday, LAUSD announced a $20 million dollar intitiative to make all of its schools’ drinking water free of lead and other toxins. Ironically, when I was an Educational Specialist District Intern/Dual Credentialled and the Portfolio Manager for Room #28, the Building and Grounds Maintenance Lab/Classroom at Widney CPTC , then a special day school for young adults ages 18–24, my room was the only classroom that received notices for students to take to their parents that reported toxins in the classroom drinking fountain. I still cannot imagine how just one classrrom on a fairly large campus was the only room with the toxic drinking water problem. Apparently, neither can the former Superintendent, Austin Beutner and the current Superintendent, Alberto Carvahlo. Despite me bring this and other oddly coincidental matters harmful to my health and well-being while an LAUSD + UTLA EMPLOYEE to thier attention, all I have to show for my efforts if Austin being accepted as a FaceBook friend in his post-supt. retirement, and no response of any kind from the Superintendent. This unresponsivness was after State Attorney General Rob Bonta’s office referred me to both these gentlemen.
Finally, as I seized the day(!) on yet another Magnificent Monday in my quiet and pet-and-small-children friendly apartment complex, it took some YouTube commentators-infleuncers(?) Dr. Karen Hunter interviewing Dr. Joy DeGruy (author of Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrom) to remind me of the constant in each of these stories – the age of the ‘featured players”. All of them are younger than this CA Senior Citizen Writing to you now. They represent four or maybe five generations of miseducated and or simply barely-parented children who are now in critical physical and or mostly hidden mental health crisis condition.
This also helps explain why my fourth FORMER pro bono COVID-19 renter’s ordinance attorney in four months was the only person who at least called me back to 1.) inform me that he was no longer my attorney, 2.) speculate as to who my new attorney might be, and 3.) politely admonish me for calling his answering service to leave a message for him because the service charged him for taking my call. If the persons answering this phone had told me, I would have ended the call. I could tell he was irate, and it took him getting out his frustrations to realize his admonishment was irrelevant as he had just told me he was no longer my attorney.
As this Manic Monday among the young professionals in LA, CA continues, I am beginning to fell like the only mature, rational, and responsible adult in a “virtual classroom in crisis”, but without any financial resources to escape so I can get back to actually earning an income from my nascent relaunching 100% on line Educational Consultancy/Personal Transformational Coaching practice. Lots of people, critical to my life and livelihood appear to need help and or coaching, all think that. they can do-it-without-others’-help – and no one is willing to pay for my services and or compensate me for service already rendered by treating everyone in every case better than they are responding and mostly not responding. There is a common thread of verifiable misstatements. of facts, cruelty, and pettiness/immaturity in all of the mini-stories shared. There is no reason things must continue to fall apart in LA, I wish Mr. Caruso and Ms. Bass would. reach out to me so we could negotiate a consulting contract to at least have a series or structureed conversations about other alternatives besides dystopic for my beloved Los Angeles