
More about Greywater Education Curriculum online- A Critique from, by,and for VERNONNICKERSONSCHOOLCOACH, Defendant

The Thin UK Couple are cute, and wealthy.

Note Well, greywater systems 1.)REQUIRE daily/ weekly maintenance because it decomposes back to being toxic over time, and treatment chemicals leave a film. 2.) Treated grey H2O and chemical residue May work better for skins of OG-MC Europeans??? NO indication of where and how they shower/bathe. 3.)What are their hygiene protocols? 4.) Need consistent access to fresh fruits and vegetables, this can become a huge con, in my humble opinion . 5.) Miss meats? Well, learn to cook with bone broth(s) and spices. 6.) No time for certain kinds of jobs, btw. 7.) Finally, size of occupants matters, big time.

Executive Summary:Great for travel, however, I still have questions about lifetime residency and long term maintenance, not for the faint of heart, mind, and or body. The more the research available for free to everyone is found by everyone, independently and or collectively, the more questions can be asked. Questions are always good to ask. Note Well when no one responds.

(Unrelated, but always connected is the following): Many people, like Christopher K Belous, PhD LMFT [Program Director] Couple and Family Therapy Program Purdue University Northwest 2200–169th Street, IBCC-CFT Hammond, IN 46323,US. I called to inquire why my name is cited by his past, present, and future ‘collegial incels’ would have specifically referenced their former student, Vernon Nickerson, in 255 different academic papers from 1983 to well into the 21st Century. Thinking about the history of immigrants from the Eurasian land mass to Argentina and or Brazil ahead of the Nurenberg Tribunals, when your name is Lisa Aronson Fontes and you finished at Yale University, it makes you wonder about YALE MEDICAL CENTER people who would almost take the life of noted historian and public intellectual Timothy Snyder, PhD, and author of “On Tyranny”, and “Our Malady: LESSONS IN LIBERTY FROM A HOSPITAL DIARY”. When Lisa and I met, I had done more thinking and writing about Qualitative Research Methods ahead of my dissertation, than she beleived(?)/ knew for a certainty(?, doubtful) she had mastered. Consequently, she memorably asked me not to speak in her graduate seminar at Purdue University- West Lafayette Campus, in the mid-1990's. As a person living with Aspergers with a history of incest-induced PTSD and under threat of death, Dr. Fontes was 99.999% sure I would comply. Well, I speak now for the 00.001%. Now, I am 100% complete. The question today, gentle readers, is for you all to decide how much generational wealth was created by my compliance with her immoral, unethical, and unreasonable demand. It is my considered opinion that women, regardless of skin color, cultural heritage, and graduate degree/school imprimatur(s) can and do offend, rape, attempt to murder, attempt to soul murder, abuse, exploit, and or plaigiarize for kicks and giggles, and profit. Hence, their mastery of cruelty is easily substantiated, a hallmark of those who become the evils they rail against, ironically.




Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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