In California, it is only/ there is only a crime when there is a dead body. California landlords have to disclose:

Roman Numeral I.) presence of environmental and health hazards, such as lead-based paint (also a federal disclosure requirement), mold, radon, and bed bugs. One home with 1:1800 heterotrophic colony forming bacteria units discovered AFTER CITATIONS FOR HARRASSMENT!

Roman Numeral II.) recent flooding,ie, Two raw sewage incidents(!!) in the rental unit (or location in a flood zone) When I tried to answer the question: for whom and for what reaps a benefit if I just leave with no relocation fees, Elected Superior Court Judge Michael A. Amerian mentions during my proceedings that landlords just want me to leave so that they can make $3000- $4000/ month from my unit that rent control caps at $1552(?)/month (an affordable approximation

Roman Numeral III.) LAUSD has just left my WWW.CA.CTC website Dual District Intern Credential intact. But alas and appropos of no- thing, LAUSD + UTLA + The Entity known as Deacon Emeritus Willie C. Nickerson’s Family Life Center at The Hiss-storic Calvary Baptist Church of Pa-tear-my-fascia-asunder, Neo- JERSEY silently supported that my living there equals death AFTER LAHD ISSUES CITATIONS FOR HARRASSMENT!

The Supreme Court of California has affirmed that every rental tenant has an implied warranty (the right) of habitability. This simply means that landlords must keep their properties “habitable”, not only sanitary and safe but also…



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.