My Hero W.H.O. fixes Systems Making Amendments, M.A.
For a long time, I have talked about four pillars that have nurtured and guided the best of my life on Planet Earth. Specifically: UL, UPR, TGR, and LTLYITGLOA (lil -lit-glow-ah). Allow me to amend that last one as follows Learning to Love YOURSELVES, Laugh at YOURSELVES and Live with YOURSELVES, warts and all, is the Greatest Love of All. I find daily I must always draw a circle that lets all the parts of me in, and never any other shape that excludes any of my infinite parts (personalities). So I will just close by begging the readers’ collective pardons, and giving the amended acronym: LTLY,LAY,ALWY,WAA,ITGLOA (lightly-lay-always-that’s the way-it glows — wow, and just like that, a new lingua franca is born, or my Speak N’ Spell wheel broke!
Okay, let’s try that again. How about, Always LAUGH, LIVE, LOVE Yourselves, warts and all (ALLY-WALL). Yes! That’s it! Be Silly sometimes too (BSST). THAT’S IT — UL, UPR, TGR AND AL(L)LY-WALL (UNLIKE THE COMPOSER/AUTHOR/LYRICIST , THE MIDDLE L IS SILENT)! The song to use with the rhythms will premiere on, Sunday at noon, for the kick off of the NEW and Improved Season 5 of One Opinionated Son of A Blacksmith!
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