Member-only story
MY HERO W.H.O. FIXES SYSTEMS Google Scholar Search CONFIRMS SOME %-AGE OF men in transition Can and do bear children and can/are in loving marriages. Deal with it.. or not. Your fragile masculine and feminine egos are so, so, SO NOT MY PROBLEM!
MY HERO W.H.O. FIXES SYSTEMS OFFERING A TRIBUTE TO OBIO, someone based in THE ATL that we all should know.
First and foremost, congratulations on your progress with your personal and professional metrons. I wish you were remaining on sights where money was not a barrier to accessing your content. You have done a major public service. The information you and your guests have shared freely is life transforming and priceless. Specifically, the ‘NEW’ revelations about gay male transpersons and conception, pregnancy! I had no idea. The silence from 100% of the predominantly “religious”, seminarians and “laypersons”, including at least one longtime Black female family friend who remains an influencer as a Director of Christian Education has been stunning in its consistency. Your podcasts, supported with years of published peer reviewed research have been crucial in providing me the privilege of sharing with people who have known me since I came out to my biological family (and who were also complicit by their silence in my sexual, physical, and socioemotional abuse and shunning by the people labeled Black American Conservative Evangelicals/AME/ABConvention/ C.O.G.I.C/NAACP(treatment of Bayard Rustin)/NBConvention/AISLC/ LincolnLogCabinRepublicanGOP/the political party known as DEMOCRAT/any number of incorporated labor…