My HERO W.H.O. Fixes Systems says: I wish…
My HERO W.H.O. Fixes Systems says: I wish
…Everyone could LOGIN TO LA SuperiorCOURT CONNECT Department H, Judge Virginia Keeney @8:30 am. PACIFIC #22VEUD00854. But since you all cannot, here is what you will miss:
1.) As of 9:43 am on Wednesday, October 12, I do not know who my Basta Law Atty is. Edward Albert Elliot, Esq notified me Monday mid-morning that he was no longer with Basta as of last week. Mr. Elliot also complained that my calling him using his answering service had cost him money each time. It was and is my understanding that pro bono renter’s rights attorney’s are stipended for each case, so I felt this was unprofessional and inappropriate behavior.
2.) Filing form UD-120 would have verified that plaintiff had received renter’s relief payments on my behalf. It would also have verified that MJW/Hi Desert Mobile home park were engaged with me in the Section 8 Voucher process. (This goes to filing of documents known to be false- an abuse of CA litigator’s privilege, albeit a legal abuse in CA. It has caused the defendant unnecessary harm and directly prevented him from pursuing his business interests full time for from April 15, 2022 to present day. Ironically and or intentionally, no unlawful detainer would have been necessary if Mr. Nickerson had been able to focus 100% of his energies on writing for publication, research, teaching-on-demand online and podcasting via (since January 23,2021)and YouTube (future goal)
3.) I am suffering from greywater poisoning in this unit since 11.14.2022, the day I executed the lease and began my residency.
4.) Plaintiff has been cited by LAHD multiple times for documented harassment of defendant. The first incidence was April 2022. There have been 3 verifiable and one additional (notice to pay or quit not yet retrieved from file boxes due to defendants chronic symptoms- Blepharospasm, Greywater poisoning, LONG Covid-19, hypertension, major depression with anxious features.
5.) Defendant is a senior citizen in the State of CA and receives food stamps and $221 cash assistance.
6.) Defendant has been unsuccessfully attempting to launch an online educational consultancy and or find remote employment as UI benefits were falsely stopped twice due to retaliation from their former employer, LAUSD.. Past (Austin Beutner, asked to be a FB friend, before I was hacked and defamed) and current Superintendent of LAUSD schools Alberto Carvalho, Are aware since 2020-present day, but have been unresponsive.
LADWP zoom pending.
7.) RE: BASTA LAW- The only legal support was four appearance to file as new attorney and one mediation discussion. In neither case had any assigned attorney read documentation sent for discovery phase of process. Meanwhile, I must have used my Section 8 voucher before a November 22/23(not sure of date) deadline.
8.) All the delays prompted by Basta and lies perpetrated by Charles Zachary Stein have wasted valuable time and cruelly caused undue PTSD symptoms for the defendant.
9.) Nevertheless, the defendant would like to negotiate at settlement that would provide him with permanent housing in Riverside County and a specific Subaru SUV with assistive technology suitable for Mr. NICKERSON’S physical challenges Due to the greywater poisoning, mr. NICKERSON’S life expectancy has been compromised by some unknown amount, so
A.) pain-and-suffering amount is tied directly to each year of Mr. NICKERSON’S life to date, specifically, One million dollars for each year of Mr. NICKERSON’S employment-to-date for total compensation = 50 years, for a total of $50 million dollars (USD [70% of total comp.] and or solid gold/titanium [30% of total comp.] only).
B.) This would be in addition to extant CA Law provisions for illegal eviction and tenant harrassment, a total of $45,000.00 USD. N.B. This amount will be used to clear all outstanding rent prior to Mr. NICKERSON’S departure no later than 90 days after he closes on a permanent single-family dwelling, in plain sight and safely outside of Los Angeles City and County.
10.) Finally, the agreement must stipulate that Mr. Nickerson cannot be evicted from 13731 Sylvan St. Apt 8, SYLVAN GARDENS APARTMENT Complex, VAN Nuys, CA 91401–xxxx
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