My Hero (W.H.O.) Fixes Systems Speaks #2 in a series
According to Trinidad Ocampo, Esq. of Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles and I quote here: “Eviction Prevention is the solution to Ending Homelessness”- recent phone conversation with the host of ‘One Opinionated Son of a Blacksmith*, an Internet radio educational talk/two-way conversational program on something called Their call tag: “You deserve the best, becuase you’re worth it. So I checked out their web-based platform, The show is currently ranked 7th out of 15, beating out a sports show/podcast and something very right of right wing Florida conservatives called “ The Revival Hour”. 1OSOAB! recently wrapped a multi-part series called “The Revival Hour, revival for whom and for what?” The broadcast is like a radio parallel translation of scripture. (N.B., the host is a former builder of weapons of mass destruction and the lithium batteries that power the still locked-and-loaded Minuteman Missile Silos in the Dakotas. Ironically, and oh so profoundly, pervasively, and robustly ironic, is the facts that he has an earned Master’s degree in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA, and is an ex-Reparative Therapy with Desert Stream Ministries ( affiliated with John Wimber’s OC Charismatic mega church, Vineyard Christian Fellowship). Vernon, an incest and corporal punishment survivor, is a committed pacifist who claims his bomb-building past was fueled by his deep and profound rage over decades of abuse from his bisexual parents- his dad the tormentor and penetrator, his mom the Stockholm-symptom unwitting accomplice who did not awaken until she finally sold the family homestead in Paterson, New Jersey to build a new life with her baby sister, a Delta Sigma Theta who had rooms to share in Oak Creek, WI, a ten minute drive from MKE and 2 commuter trains into Chicago from ORD or MDY. But as any good catholic knows, divorce ain’t easy, actually forbidden, and breaking off from any cult is demonstrably hard to do. There are now over 400 artifacts on Medium that make up a first person historical narrative of EPIC proportions, so I will FFWD to present day in LAcity in LAcounty.
Now 63 and penniless but still pedadgogically prolific, a full time curriculum developer on Google Classroom, writing partner on and creator/head writer ( the only writer) and executive producer of a Sunday-Thursday, and sometimes 7-day/week ( I know, crazy, right? That’s why he/I?we(?) usually say(s) Sun-Thurs and calls it a day!) He is basically functioniing as a paraprofessional legal intern and Private Investigator ( Nee Paul Burke from Perry Mason, but sans Perry of the ubiquitous and winsome Miss Della Street). In yet another bit of God’s Wicked(!) sense of humor, Vernon Prescott Nickerson Thompson Walker Bell Nash Alexander Gordon Charles Weatherby Williams Jackson…and surely so many more- my older sibling married for me and our youngest sibling and then wussed out at only three divorces after Christopher ( new jersey shore guido) Dean Nickerson during his nascent stand-up comedy host stated to his audience that he was not coming to another wedding. I agreed 1000000%, but for a different reason: I liked and bonded with three different women and their families and no one yet has talked about how painful divorce is for the family members who were just fine not living with my brother. And his half of the story is all we now. Whenever I miss how close my brothers and I were, I remind myself no one in the world has ever seen or heard from his first wife and stepdaughter. My Plainsboro NJ runt of the litter’s perennial prevasive and persistent extremely homophobic and violent epithet to me has always been “Eat S**t and D**, Mo****, Fu***r! Also, both showed up at mom’s furneral in brand new vehicles after my father, still getting revenge before his death from cancer by 1.)lying to both my brothers that theier will left an inheritance while telling me the truth as I was the assigned consigliere?eunuch ( via a right radical orchiectomy ( with an unecessary biopsy arranged at my mother’s private Jewish-owned and operated Barnert Memorial Hospital Center. It was punishment because my father thought I was sleeping around with my co-workers instead of just reacting to some bad chinese we had been seen sharing for dinner after work during one of the summers I worked as a teller for Broadway Bank and Trust. Paterson was still a small and gossip-obsessed place. Every Friday night unless he was out-of-town which was only 2 times each year, my dad came home, ate, and then got on the phone for the rest of the night and played Chief Negro in Charge of All the “Tea” (gay speak for GOSSIP, tell willie- tell a friend- alpha through zed ( not ever stopping at alpha beta, so to pun-speak). Earlier today, out of sheer desperation and facing an non-jury Unlawful Detainer trial with an “attorney” with 1500 cases in a system designed to evict hundreds of thousands without library cards for free internet accesss, food stamps, and $221.00/month. Not beyond beef, but beyond belief, and a Section8 voucher that would hve paid 100% of his current rent and utlilites since June, 2022 and a Ray Bradbury lithograph from “The House of Usher/USHER II in a remote Gold Coast location worth more than the 17K of back rent that is not legally due until December 31, 2023. Now….say it with me…so, …so…., I, I ironically our Hero W.H.O. fixes Systems had always said theOG-MCs would lose their collective hive minds when they realized the true costs of chattel slavery, indentured servitude, xenophobia, LGBTQIA+ phobias and skin-color based prejudices. We have arrived. Dear Rev. Dr. Joseph Barber II, Esq. you can stop asking, Are We There Yet? We arrived back when the real ACTIVIST jurists came out strong as a UNITED SCOTUS, never of, by and for we the people united to form a more perfect union. YIKES! Ever to the left, never to the right… or was it never really the other way round.. the metaphor and meaning are relentless and now always apt. There is today a 62 million dollar DoNotStopGoandFundTellThat2Me, not ever yes to be conflated with insert NBC chimes here all you ding dong ding doorbell ringers.
TO BE CONTINUED…cause my new brother beloved says we have infinite time to do all that needs to be done. Through Z-elle Do-rag Goda all things are possible