MyHeroFixesSystems thinks…GOP masters SILENCE=DEATH


Consider the unpopularity of the following Sunday Tweet:

ALL EYES ON THE VOTERS OF COLORADO, et al. They sent a gang of toxic klown car court jesters via the Lincoln Log Cabin Republican G.O.P. to the US Congress, ladies and gentlemen.

THEY (read, the Now Openly Xenophobic, Misogynistic, UBER-Cruel and Inhumane LLCR G.O.P.)^ are happy to sit back in silence, complicit with the LEFT^ who consider themselves detached from feelings, emotions, etc. that they all believe make them ‘less’ homo sapien. I actually knew a vain gay Southern male, SMP, who worked for Team HRC and only wore glasses becuase they were convinced it made people think they were intelligent in all areas of discourse and public policy promotion and marketing. It was a lucrative master con artist move (see also, Ms. Lauren Boebert). They are set for life and living the dream. A day trip to the “Four Corners” rural area of Seligman, MO will prove worth your while. Do not exceed posted speed limits or you will miss it entirely.

However, like the 1989 Paul Newman film “Fat Man and Little Boy”* (re-named in some markets as “Shadow Makers”), one has to know USA History and World History before encountering the carefully designed distractions of the real-life players in the first two paragraphs. You must also have reviewed USA History and World History before watching this dramatic and engaging film, a veritable nation of India ‘marsala’ of fictionalized fact. But the real hidden treasure in Mr. Newman’s production is its consistently scientifically and biologically correct depiction of radiation poisoning’s immediate and long-term toxicity to human beings. I challenge you to watch those parts, and the entire film over and over again, paying attention to the following details: 1.) all the power players and worker bees were OG-MC ( old guard-melanin challenged) indigenous American Continental ancestral residents and or European and Latinx via the Iberian peninsula, 2.) all the heros and or villains were European and or Latinix, 3.) Oak Ridge, TN was where the poor and vulnerable residents were willing and or unwilling and uniformed participants in a USA federal government-funded and managed experiment to observe and document the impact of exposure to radioactive matter ahead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and 4.) Pacific Rim residents were referrred to as ‘monkeys’ and thus less than human.

Now, as you move on to other reading, keep in mind that once any humans with access to any and or all deadly force weapons can be convinced that other homo sapiens are less than human, unnecessary death can occur en mass (e.g., Swine Flu, Covid-19, Monkeypox, etc.) which degenerates the entire human species. See the literature of Developmental Biology for a deep dive into the concept of degeneracy. None of us is immune. So, what have we done/allowed to happen?

^- The same adjectives may be applied to all dedicated pro-capitalists, political parties and most Incorporated/LLP/LLC, etc. labor unions, businesses, and the alpabet soup of journalism+ Fox Entertainment in case you were still wondering.

*- The film is STREAMING ON Amazon Prime. Is it ironic or by intelligent design that Jeff Bezos’ brainchild has done humans a great favor in 2022?

©VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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