New times Demand Detailed Narration Delivered with a Sense of National Urgency in the USA OF 2022

6:56 PM Pacific, Thursday, February 24, 2022

First person historical narratives when the Narrator(s) /Witnesses are PanAfrican-American and or intimate long-term friends and or fictive kin and or biological/genetic family members-by-birthright are, in my considered opinion, BLACK STORIES. As such I borrow a working definition from the press materials from a recent screening on KINEMATIC, as follows: “Black stories, like Black Voices and perspectives, are vast and varied. Black stories call for justice, for equality, they call for peace and second chances (and moreover, chances to “infinity and beyond!”); they bring us joy, help us to grieve, and take us home to places we may have forgotten.

All that being said, every Pan African-American family in the United States of America, its territories and possessions need to gather together, watch this film, virtually-remotely, with their faith-based and or secular non-religious and or spiritual communities to watch this film and discuss how to heal divisions, “beefs”, violence, exploitation, misogyny, xenophobia, jealousy, backbiting, resentment, prejudice, all LGBTQIA+ phobias and negative stereotypes promoted by impotent, ignorant, and majorly insecure “psychologically traumatized” adults ages 18 and above.

HERE ARE SOME REASONS WHY WE need to watch and discuss this film in groups in the USA between now and June 1, 2022:

In the USA, BIPOC folks have never really had the luxury to be as divided as we have become in February, 2022.

Earlier today (from my Pacific Time zone POV) the United Nations and G7 “union?”, “alliance?”, “confederation?” (of) nations allowed Vladimir Putin, and Russians inside Ukraine who never wanted to separate from “Mother/Father(/) Russia, to use tanks and missiles to begin to expand Russia’s borders back to Cold War lines drawn on maps by politicians contracted to self-styled generationally wealthy and politically powerful and controlling oligarchs.

With a right-leaning nativist conservative SCOTUS, GOP appointees in lower courts, no Federal voting rights legislation to prevent existing voter suppression of BIPOC legally registered voters, and in Texas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Maine, to name a few, Trump can now legally be declared the winner of any election even if the majority of voters vote against him.

In addition, State governors Ron De Santis and Greg Abbott are conservative fascist benevolent(?) dictators by virtue and affirmation of GOP-majority state. legislatures.

Because the only verifiably accurate pedagogy and research of World and US History only happens at the Doctoral level, too many people fail to realize that 1.) The USA vaporized Hiroshima and Nagasaki with more targeted radioactive energy than any set of conventional non- nuclear-age weapons of Massive Mutually Assured Destruction, or M.A.D., the acronym., and 2.) There is no recovery or resurrection of Homo sapiens after a nuclear holocaust. As one of many thousands of defense aerospace and manufacturing engineers, it was my job from Fall 1981 through Spring of 1988 to ensure that if a single intercontinental ballistic nuclear missile currently in Minuteman Missile Silos at ‘secret” NORAD and or NATO silos strikes the earth, its impact will vaporize everything within a design radius accurate to within 10 feet of its target — a margin of error is also designed into this strategic weapon — and knock the earth off its axis. Earth will be instantly plunged into a global climate and weather emergency. Those not vaporized will gradually die from radiation poisoning. In case you were wondering, roaches are expected to adapt and survive.

All that being said, every Pan African-American family in the United States of America, its territories and possessions need to gather together, watch this film, virtually-remotely, with their faith-based and or secular non-religious and or spiritual communities to watch this film and discuss how to heal divisions.

For the third time before I move on to other writing projects,

All that being said, every Pan African-American family in the United States of America, its territories and possessions need to gather together, watch this film, virtually-remotely, with their faith-based and or secular non-religious and or spiritual communities to watch this film and discuss how to heal divisions. AMEN ASHE SELAH.


Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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