OH, ABSOLUTELY NO! We the people united to form a more perfect union (and all of the world's homo sapiens) owe no one who chooses to exploit any woman or man ANY RESPECT. Read all of Jonathan Eig's KING: A LIFE* and note well NONE OF IT HAS BEEN REFUTED- a rare event in the 21st Century.
See also the hardback and or audio versions of Dr. Anita Hill's
Believing: Our Thirty-Year Journey to End Gender Violence.** We will never know how much more Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr. would have achieved for the causes of USA civil rights and global human rights if he had been faithful to his marriage vows*. I remain convinced that GENDER VIOLENCE and or EXPLOITATION will be what finally ends species homo sapiens time on Planet Earth. Meanwhile, we continue to suffer with SCOTUS Thomas and his loyal loving partner.** (c) VERNONNCICKERSONSCHOOLCOACH 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.