One Definitive Summative Assessment of David Khari Chappelle
DKWC, like all the best comedians, is a genius-level intellect. Consequently, he knows exactly what he is doing at all times. He is 0.00% cognitively disabled, i.e., high-functioning. In 2022, he is in better physical health than he was at the inception of his comedy career.
These cognitive behavioral/health details are essential to understand just how well he has played BIPOC folk in the USA in particular* and BIPOC folk Worldwide in general. To wit:
1.) DKWC has always "played the race card" for fun and always for profit. Not to put to fine a point on it, he literally went from straight-up cooning to mooning his audience. This means in his past, in his present and in his forseeable future, he has consistently demonstrated mastery of the entire comedic spectrum. He has deftly avoided the pitfalls of his predecessors (Pigmeat Markum, Redd Foxx, Richard Pryor) his current cohort, (Kevin Hart, Steve Harvey), and the next generations (Insert your favorite twenty-or-thirty-something heterodox comics here).
2.) DKWC was never, is not currently, nor ever is compelled to ever become an LGBTQIA+ ally. In fact, in my opinion, the LGBT...+ Community is better off to keep him as a 'frenemy'. Note well, when he condescended to anoint a transgendered human being as his friend, they ultimately chose to transition to what may or may not be a better plane of existence. Do we (y'all?) really need another divisive "friend"?
3.) No human being need worry about or waste any energy feeling any kinda' way about DKWC. He will remain a profit-generating center until he chooses another profession. Think about this: He could come out as DJT'S running mate, campaign manager, or 3rd party "opponent" ( like the comic who ran against Berlusconi in Italy).
All hail David Khari Webber Chappelle, Titan of Comedy! Or don't. It is 100% your freedom to choose.
I reserve the right to enjoy the comedy stylings of David Khari Webber Chappelle as long as he wishes to ply the world's oldest profession. See also the detailed assessment of "FD Signifier" on YouTube for a further validation that inspired my synthesis in the brief essay above.
*- the author includes himself in this group and acknowledges enjoying the ride!
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