Oral History genre translates to the 21st Century of African-American culture
Once upon a time, story telling was the primary means of education, journalism, and developing literacy. Most states had laws forbidding literacy and the teaching of reading based upon the student's skin color and or slave status.00:02:00 - 00:05:13 on being raised by a step-mother and the family being impacted by dis-ease.
By the dawn of the 19th century, tuberculosis—or consumption—had killed one in seven of all people that had ever lived. Throughout much of the 1800s, consumptive patients sought "the cure" in sanatoriums, where it was believed that rest and a healthful climate could change the course of the disease.
www.pbs.org › wgbh › plague-gallery
TB in America: 1895-1954 | American Experience | Official Site
What parallels can you identify between Nathaniel Hines lived experience over 100 years and current events? Start with the 19th Century TB pandemic that took the lives of many known to Mr. Hines in the 1920s and work your way forward to the present day ( 2021). Note also that America’s elites established entire cities where there were sanatoriums where they claimed then demonstrated recovery from their pandemic TB was possible.
This is online education in the public service, a Literacy Initiative of VernonNickersonSchoolcoach, copyright 2021. All rights reserved.