Pathways to the Peaceable Kingdom: Community AFTER the Past 62 years of Pervasive, Profound, Persistent, and Sytemic Organized Trauma, Terror and Chaos

Pastor Wilbert Smith and Mr. Phil Crosby, Jr.:
I am writing to you and Mr. Crosby because Pastor Will's call started me thinking about concerns that are unique to life in a post-COVID-19 future. In a few short minutes, I was able to share my longing to return to a singing community after almost two years of living alone and following CDC guidelines for social isolation.

If we are honest with ourselves, mass compliance, not anything United States citizens are known for, literally saved our lives to date. It also changed the way I live in many permanent ways. Now the world is wary of super-spreader events. Every face-to-face encounter is looked at as a potential risk vector of exposure to a deadly airborne virus that too many poor to criminally negligent public disinformation "campaigns" made into a Global and deadly pandemic.

Tragically, choral singing will forever be known as one of the first superspreader activities of the COVID-19 pandemic, right along with unmasked Trump political rallies. Consequently, I want to encourage you to visit the Angel City Chorale website and revise your recruitment/ publicity efforts to LEAD with "COVID-19 safe" choir rehearsal and performance protocols. For example:

Outdoor rehearsals in masks with social distancing.

Strict adherence to 45 minute indoor rehearsals in masks with social distancing to minimize group time indoors.

Fans are running to circulate air during indoor rehearsals.

Hand sanitizer kiosks available.

A "teaser" virtual choir performance of a small ensemble singing an assortment of genres would give the prospective chorister some idea of what to expect. To welcome vaccinated and unvaccinated singers, everyone will have to be masked and protocols strictly observed.

So, as you see, the phrase " let's start a community chorus with a strong community and youth ethos" now takes on a whole new meaning in a COVIID-19 future. This will be true for me until COVID-19 is treated and cured, just like we have done for other viral airborne infections ("common" colds and flu viruses). These days, community organizers of social gatherings must lead by addressing legitimate health and safety concerns and following through at rehearsals and performances. I am happy to give anyone the freedom to take greater risks; I just no longer am compelled to join them in any activity that increases my risk of contracting a deadly virus. In 2021 and the future, any gathering of people not sharing the same COVID-19- free living space must first, last, and always be a place of safety from contracting a deadly airborne virus that I do not have the luxury of (like some former POTUS45) acquiring.

As a gay black same-gender-loving male living single, I have watched too many people worldwide descend into violence, fear, depression, and madness as I simultaneously convinced myself that they were not really so bad or so dangerous. Those days are OVER. I and so many others have had our trust in leaders across every field or endeavor violated profoundly, pervasively, and persistently on LIVE TV in REAL-TIME. The two-edged sword of the openness and candor about systemic and chronic problems unique to America is a relief that people are finally confirming that problems exist AND the daily horror of realizing how much anger, fear, rage, resentment, and jealousy people have been holding onto for decades while smiling and cracking jokes and dismissing each others' concerns. Every day we are reminded of the tragedy of the unasked question, silence in the face of massive fatalities, and the dubious value of going along to get along. I never paid attention to localities with no gun control laws, open carry laws, and easy access to deadly weapons -- those days are over. Sadly, there are entire states that I now consider unsafe to drive through, let alone visit overnight. The profound sorrow I feel even writing that last sentence often gives me pause.

Again, please know that I am writing at length because of the depth to which I want to be in a community of friends who share a love of all genres of music in any language that someone can teach me to use in singing. I WANT and NEED THIS TO BE SAFE AND FULFILLING for a myriad of human relationship reasons.

Many of us returning to the "general population" have had too many lived experiences with "unsafe," "untrustworthy," and otherwise traumatizing people. We have, thankfully, now lived without drama long enough to prefer low-drama lifestyles. Having not heard from relatives and or friends that we thought liked and loved us, we now know who our real friends are. Conversely, I and many others have wondered since the day we graduated from our local neighborhood schools how we would meet "total strangers" and form relationships.

The reality of being born in America as who I am becoming more fully every day is as follows:
1. I was legally guaranteed my American freedom in 1970 when the Commonwealth of Kentucky became the last state to abolish chattel slavery.
2. It typically has taken America 50 to 400 years AFTER courts have ruled and laws supporting their civil rights/human rights are enacted for Americans (US) to assimilate the law into its daily operation. Like too many others, I know first-hand what happens when law enforcement and corporate entities take advantage of such intentional-delay-by-design.
3. Me and all my forebears have always done the best we can do, UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES of realities 1 and 2.

The only three challenge goals I have at this point are always becoming unconditionally loving, always practicing unconditional positive regard, and treating others in the best ways because I desire to be treated in all the best ways, i.e., THE Golden Rule.

The Golden Rule is actually a part of our family's narrative. My Mother and her sisters were nicknamed "The Golden Girls" after my father and uncles had all passed away, and the four elder statespersons of our family found themselves alone and realized their desire to re-unite as a sisterhood, and became a community of friends, again. Today, as I establish fresh connections with cousins across the country, that legacy continues, with its unique COVID-19 twists and turns. But I digress, and that is a story for another day.

So, Pastor Will, I have questions ahead of our Sunday morning 10:00 am meeting:
1.) Will the group be performing virtually and or at in-person venues?
2.) Will masks be required for indoor gatherings?
3.) Will rehearsals be indoors and outdoors, with social distancing required at all times? How long will indoor rehearsals be?
4.) Did you mention a childrens'/youth choir component? Will there be collaboration and mentoring opportunities?
5.) What are the financial commitments expected from each member?
6.) To confirm, I will meet you in person at 2925 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107 , correct?

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to this message.


Vernon Nickerson

- lead with COVID-19 protocols
- community chorus or church community chorus
- post in student magazines Pasadena City, Cal Tech, Fuller ( fine and performing arts in worship emphasis)
-flyers on Pasadena, Burbank, and or Glendale public libraries 
- Angel City Chorale playbook: recording and video recording every stage of the process
- build a virtual choir portfolio and post on YouTube

- be my guest and record an episode of One Opinionated Son of A Blacksmith!, my Internet radio broadcast on You would share your vision and your origin stories as it relates to your vision. We can even talk about this message and how it may or may not speak to the current zeitgeist.

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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