Profound, Prolific, Pervasive, Perseverating, Persistent, and Powerful Perennial Pandemic: Why is No One Out There Coming to Save The Humans from Themselves?

Who profits from perversions?
Who profits from being punitive and pusillanimous or pugilistic?
Why is profit-sharing a four-letter-word among all the popular economist, including populist Black economists like Boyce Watkins ?

As long as we never own real property and the means of production, our products can be taken out of the marketplace and or out of the marketplace of ideas at any time. Professors procuring paychecks as provocateurs and polemicists such as Dr. John McWhorter will ultimately remain in print. They contemptuously continue to consume conspicuously.
Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will. Thanks Dr. Noam Chomsky! That's a PERFECT HOLIDAY 2021 GREETING CARD!🤟🤘🖖👍🌈💯

Aloha Joe! is an alter ego I created during lockdown. I needed a foil for my cheesy teacher and humor when no one I invited came to see a demonstration of my new curriculum and I needed another human being as my audience. When the student is ready, the Teachers Appear. Enjoy this transcript of my year end lessons and reflections, a work in progress.

Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will. Thanks Dr. Noam Chomsky! That's a PERFECT HOLIDAY 2021 GREETING CARD!🤟🤘🖖👍🌈💯
Either Dr. Haque is being disingenuous and ironic/facetious OR I want whatever legal non- alcoholic drugs he is ingesting in mass quantities! Does he seriously think we are all NOT REALLY TRULY intoxicated and suicidal/ homicidal passive aggressive across the USA?!? Well Umair, we are and have been, mon ami, since before you were born. Note well that EVEN COVID'S BEST EFFORTS are being Aggressively denied, even as I write these lines.The only difference in folks who are not me is that you realized at a chronologically younger age that, having lost your dream lives, you had nothing left to lose by SPEAKING OUT AND ACTING UP AND OUT. Thank you kindly, but Once we got to where assassinations were mostly unremarkable, "THEY!" had won.
Brihana Joy Gray was correct then at the climax of her power and she is correct today in her public nadir*. Sadly though, it is rarely about being right or wrong. It is about being too trusting as if we had a democracy that could be "made better". A shallow dive into history, looking back over USA history in my entire comparatively short timeline, 1959 to 2021, would have revealed neither the "woke left" or the "rabid dog whistle right" could be trusted or DESERVED to be trusted. Including and finding global thought leader common cause was then ( from the beginning of recorded history) and is now-- the ONLY VIABLE AND SUSTAINABLE WAY FORWARD.

FOR EXAMPLE, Black Lives Matter ( from its "birth" in Ferguson, MO through George Floyds' death in Minneapolis MN) drove young and not-so-young AROUND THE PLANET OUT OF SILENT "SAFETY" AND INTO THE STREETS!!!

"OUR" social initiative revealed a critically fat, sick, and nearly dead, intoxicated and addicted global population. Me and the rest of my fellow American Residents, too tired, terrorized, and PTSD'ed by sixty-two years of living with our sickest secrets fell back on our "American Exceptionalism/ "Moral and Ethical Superiority" and failed to seize THE GLOBAL MOMENT OF MOVEMENT. From a global POV, Trump-Putin-China-Johnson/British Royal Family did find common cause as SuperPredatoryVillians-- for the WORLD-WIDE-WIN. 😱💀☠🇺🇲

*-the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization.

"they had reached the nadir of their sufferings"

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All Rights Reserved.

#GreatBritain, #China, #successgospel
#literacyisessentialtoallrepresentativedemocracies #LEOTARDS

Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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