Read Yale historian Timothy D Snyder's 'pocketsized' tomes titled TYRANNY: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century and THE ROAD TO UNFREEDOM. Economists Richard D. Wolff and Umair Haque are also instructive. Recall over recorded history, the oligarchs and imperial colonizers prefer an illiterate, willfully ignorant non-voting society: POTUS Richard M. Nixon was the first to call for the dismantling of the Department of Education. Note the vociferousness of the Lincoln Log Cabin Republican Grand Old Party who since at least the Obama presidency no longer offer policies or programs; they just say NO / come out against anything that isnt WAR, BIG PHARMA, BIG HEALTHCARE. restricting abortion, attacking education while trying to redact history. Meanwhile, the DNC would have us believe that our current POTUS should not have to 'primary' and or debate his challengers. Or, just read all the current " Anti-CRT" laws. They are PERFECT IF YOU WANT A THEOCRACY / Authoritarian Fascist DICTATOR OR President for Life.