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SHOULD THE UNITED STATES SENATE vote to MAKE ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR., ESQ the next Secretary of Health and Human Services?
Wonder what Anthony Fauci’s answer to this question is tonight?
From his testimony in this video, it sounds like POTUS will give him a list to purge and he will execute the list(s) he is given.
I WISH he had earned a Masters of Science in Public Health and worked in rural and urban Public Health Clinics
I WISH RFK, JR. had served in the Peace Corps during Covid
I WISH his Uncle and his father HAD NOT BEEN ASSASSINATED
I WISH he had not been addicted to illegal (heroin) and or legal/ prescription drugs.
I WISH he was publicly reconciled with his apparently estranged. biological family.
I WISH he had not been so craven as to 1.- take donations to run a campaign for POTUS then 2- abandon that campaign to pre-interview with one of his presumed opponents.
I WISH he had not chosen to advocate against vaccination regimes that have saved more lives than any other mass public health interventions so far in the 20th and 21st centuries.
RFK Jr. is ‘a destroyer of health’ and ‘would be a disaster’ if he ran HHS: public health expert