So true Omowale! "The same is true of colonialism." I wonder if in 2023 if we must begin to always describe what it means for species Homo Sapiens to colonize. For example: Escaping mostly unknown drama/trauma in their countries of origin, those with means to buy, beg, borrow, or steal their way aboard 'escaped' or 'absconded' to A WORLD BRAND NEW TO THEM. All they had to do upon arrival is buy, beg, borrow or murder/steal/ cheat the indigenous homo sapiens to secure the land and other natural resources they required. Territorial and remarkably war-like, they would simply used armed force to subjugate and control an entire continent. Such were their Viking, Visigoth, Spanish, Portugese and Nordic Conquerors in centuries past, so would the New World Colonizers be from the 1400's to the present day. It is much harder to discount specific acts of specific groups of people. BTW, great essay!