
The Absolutely Necessary "End of the World as We Have Come to Know and Experience It!

When White Evangelical Grift Ambassador Christopher Hedges says, Farewell America, we, the people respond: GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD Rubbish.
( https://youtu.be/oRAkX7NWkos )

Ironically or intentionally, Chris Hedges's life and work represent a USA and a Global Elite that we all NEED TO BE RID OF. Hear now from a white evangelical who has the luxury of bidding America farewell after having consumed every freedom worth having to the deliberate and premeditated scapegoating of at least 75% of the human beings ( probably more, too).
The trouble with all religion is that their sacred seminal texts set impossible goals and then offer no meaningful support to anyone wanting to achieve those noble and worthy goals.

Evil is when "THEY!" give just enough support to guarantee ultimate failure ; and because they make up the rules, they set up all the players for failure and then market goods that give just enough support to keep us in the game. But never enough to support everyone actually winning.

Meanwhile, THEIR! printed texts say we will always have the poor with us.But, THEIR unwritten LAWS support chaos, competition, abusive behaviors and confusion that ensure THEIR prophecies are ALWAYS FULFILLED. The epitome of THE ULTIMATE GRIFT ( con game) is that every weekend, they ask and receive major funding to maintain "THEIR" so-called way of life/ way of the world.
Let us never forget, Shakespeare was the most denigrated, dismissed, loathed and despised/ scapegoat the fine and performing arts and TRUTH TELLER on the planet when he said:
*(A plague o' both your houses..

Often quoted as "A pox on both your houses." This is a famous quote from Romeo and Juliet. As Mercutio dies, he utters this phrase three times, cursing the families whose rivalry led to his death.) -*Google Search 8.20.21

The so-called audience these words are describing has just gotten bigger than he possibly imagined.

Enjoy your weekend, USA! Or, DEMAND BETTER FOR YOUR SACRIFICIAL OFFERINGS from here on out!

If it all ended today, Friday, August 20, 2021, the USA'S greatest achievements as a predominantly heterosexual breeder species would be William and Melinda Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey and Steadman Graham.

The most world renowned villain is a pedophile and human sex trafficker.

An heir to a retail juggernaut known as Goldwaters Dept. Stores was one of the GOP's early rightwing bigots and wingNUTZ.

According to the investigative research of historian and philosopher John Henrik Clarke, the Jews "stole" somethings from the human race and have ever since tried successfully to sell it back to us as a way of building generational wealth for their progeny. So, when the world asks, why can’t we share, they shout: Shame! Anti-semite! Thief! Bad actor! Charlatan! Remember the Holocaust!
No, not no way, not no how!( - a L. B. Mayer / MGM production ) "THEY!" use a global tragedy to justify their ascendancy. I tend to prefer using their own words to condemn their evil and or benign neglect.

WE, specifically all human beings of the only race that ever existed, the human race, want our Jewish cousins to live and thrive-- with ALL OF US. Some of YOU have always wanted and worked for co-existence, but now we need 100% cooperation.

Capitalism has demonstrated that it must go because it has never supported co-existence. It most definitely has always supported defining something calling “ the fittest” as “worthy” and “set apart” for survival.

To continue to buy everything they are selling is to embrace a logical consequence of extinction. Hello world! We can do much better with every remaining resource.

I wish, and WE THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, have always simply wished, to CO-EXIST. "THEIR!" leaders have always wanted heads on platters or bodies nailed to wooden crosses that the soon-to-be deceased would always be made to carry, by any means necessary.

Jesus adopted son of Joseph and
Mary was one of their own who was crucified because he had the audacity to confront his people and demand that they choose co-existence! Nothing more, but most importantly, nothing less.
Organizing Religions, "spiritual communities," philosophical communes, and entertainments to distract us from their evil has been, up to now, wildly successful. By the time Marx called Opium! , the addiction had already ascended to a global dominance that continues to the present day.

But all this luxury and pleasure has come with a price we can no longer afford to pay.
Too much suffering, illness, and death among our brightest, best, and most vulnerable populations have yet to show us the need for a global do-over. That is an unacceptable set of outcomes, in my opinion.

48 years supporting the wounded in healing, learning, growing, and co-existing have exposed too many lies, planned failures and premeditated murder- mayhem- chaos events. VernonNickersonSchoolcoach is the logical consequence of that journey.

(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021. All rights reserved



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.