The Joy's of Tantric Sex
By Vernon Prescott Nickerson, MA
It is a combo meal. In which I tell my life story as an Indigenous Berdache, or Two-Spirit.
Here is the P/D/I/ETC:
Dear Terry Franklin and Jeffrey M! My Brothers Beloved Happy Anniversary on Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 08:45 am PDT! Your post confirms my morning realization that my writing about the "Joy's of Tantric" must begin today.
You see, being in the same room with both of you and your amazing group of friends, associates, school chums, and homo sapiens reminded me of 2 powerful truths: "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all ( one major consequence is a loving lifetime partnership; another is the places you will go and the people you will meet.).
The second? Well, imagine having that experience everyday, on demand, for the last 28 years as a differently-abled person who his mother said was the only one of her 3 boys who knew how to entertain himself! Yes gentlemen,
as ironic/ odd/ different as that might seem...the love/ respect/ adoration/ bon homme/ worldview that you share INSPIRES ME DAILY! Thanks brothers! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💯🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🔥💧😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💯xxx's and ooo's 4ever! #realMENStillREAD
This allows me to start from a place of fully remembering/realizing who I always have been and getting to talk about the touch stones along the way.The touch stones helped me to remember the best things with the worst things ( cautionary notes for living independently as a differently-abled adult). After all, what is any homo sapiens' life except a marvelous infinity combo meal and or Flippin Buffet of bitter and sweet, salty and savory, hot and cold, light and dark, sensual and repulsive, transparent and translucent, thick and thin, oooo’s and ahh’s, cheers and boo’s, chitterlings and truffles, beans and cornbread, ribs and cole slaw, burger and brats, strawberries and creme, sex/ food and food/ sex. I could go on, but, I’m kinda getting " lunchy" as Big Willy Wanker-who-was-blessed-to-wed-into-the-Walker Clan was fond of saying.
( Noto bene: If you’ve read this far and haven’t at least cracked a smile or remembered some of your favorite foods, musicals, operas, sculpture/ paintings, or anything pleasant and or sensual / arousing, or fun experiences, go ahead and gently return this book to its display shelf-- my writing isn’t for you at all. Go and have a nice life, please! Otherwise, buy this book and multiple copies for all the adults aged 18 and above that might benefit from a good read!
(C)VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2020
@#$%&-1452, West****, ***LetterA
To my birth parents: Willie Curtis Nickerson and Sadie Mae Walker Nickerson, RN, Nurse Manager ( Psychiatric Nursing, Barnett Memorial Hospital)
Mom's best friend Betty, LVN, extraordinary
To my dear family of choice, forever Rob Mann, Renee Pengra Wherley, River, and Rowan Wherley and GranPeres Jay and Faye Pengra
To my California mom Joyce Slay
To my first principal of memory, Eleanor C. Foley. ( 2nd - 8th grades)
To my first Vice-Principal of memory, Alfredo Van Rensselaer ( 9th to 12th grades)
To my K-12 Teachers of a Lifetime
Miss Swartz - Chicago ( K)
Miss Strickland - Chicago ( 1st)
Miss/ Ms Elsie J (?) Schwartz ( 2nd)
Miss Thelma Whitney ( 3rd)
Miss Elsie J(?) Vodzik (4th)
Mr. Palladino ( 4th)
My flute teacher/ saxophone-duet arranger, Mr. Joseph ( ?)Vivino ( 4th to 8th)
Mr. Bernard Huntington (5th)
Mr. Raymond(?) Jaffee (5th)
Mrs. Margaret Holterhoff ( 5th)
Miss Eleanor Fogarty ( 6th)
Mr Joseph Donelson (6th) ( first man whose mind I was totally besotted by) and bless him, was tall, lithe, an amazing jazz pianist, my first and only piano teacher, my Toastmasters and 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary ( paperback edition) English teacher and a manly black male. Memories of him still give me the all the best ways...😋❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💯🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 🌈 + 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 He practiced everything he preached and only lasted one glorious year at my predominantly white public school. He went to our church, for literally, a minute, and, amazingly, my dad really liked him. That fact only fueled my desire for Mr. Donelson!
Mr. Burton Hall ( 7th)
Ms. Margaret Murner (7th- 8th)
Ms. Glover (8th)
Miss Pierce ( 6th- 8th)
Mr. Sherman ( first gym class crush)
JH ( high school gym dreamboat) and the only athlete who would pick me to be on his team... even though I could barely see without my glasses which I couldn't afford to wear and risk breaking during PE) and made them welcome me, the nerd and 2 term class president ( pre- POTUS44).
Ms Eleanor Powell- ( 9 - 12)she did me , ironically, the greatest favor by telling me, I 'd never be a soloist ( as long as she had anything to say about it). She taught me to " Wait! ON LOVE ( the lord) And Be of Good Courage. Let JESUS LEAD YOU, AND YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE ( well, Margaret Murner taught me that song before I was ever in Ms. Powell's JFKHS CONCERT CHOIR.
My World History( Pippin!)and US History( Gettysburg/ Constitution Hall/ US Mint)teachers. ( 9TH TO 12TH) Having to argue Hitler's side in an essay that helped me to have a GPA that exempted me from that comprehensive exam--- priceless! Even though my dad ( and spoiled baby sibling in his "family") stayed mad about that "B+ on that essay years after high school was done and I had graduated from Northwestern University.
Ms Johanna ( Beowulf! Ruberto (9TH), Shakespeare! ( 10TH/ 11TH)
My senior year English/Journalism teacher/ Yearbook editor / semi-professional weekend-evening basketball referee
Dr. Charles C.W.N. Thompson - my white "To Sir, With Love AND "Captain, My Captain! ( SR.YR.)
The old and arrogant white conservative impatient and condescending professor who gave me my first and only F in math and the younger white " hippie"/ long hair-in-a-ponytail kind and super-emotionally- and-cognitively-intelligent -a d patient-professor I missed an A by 1 point when I took the same course from him the very next quarter.
Dr. Ray Sherman Anderson - professor- mentor- supervisor- friend who typically used his sabbatical to write and publish awesome systematic theology. He was also a husband- father- pastor who practiced healthy living and commuted from Huntington Beach to Pasadena all the time I knew him from 1988 until his retirement from FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY. Still the only preacher who could preach a five to 10 minute max sermon that would leave me, yes even me, speechless and happily besotted by LOVE/ SPIRIT. I still secretly aspire to the Unapologetically Gay Male version of a life parallel in form and content to Ray's when I grow another 139 years or thereabouts!
MS. Christine Anderson first and best Black female manager I ever had, little as its told.
MS. MELISSA WINTERS- the only Principal I ever worked for who was Principal over two differently-abled CPTCs --- at the same time. And Valerie Chow and Elva Warren, her excellent and always encouraging Vice-Principals- My Three Heroines!
Yes! Note well how I left out most if not all of the male "massas" I've ever had. With the sole exception of Norm Henry and Frank Yancovitz, the ones I haven't mentioned fall under my Grandmother's edict: If you can't say anything ( consistently- my standard) nice about someone, don't say anything about them at all. If your name or pseudonym doesn't appear in this record of my life so far, and you ever thought you had a connection with me that would reflect positively upon you-- boy, are you SHITE OUTTA LUCK!
Books, Authors, Public Intellectuals, Music Genres, plays, musicals, poets, singers, dancers, actors, recipes, restaurants, bars, cities, states, all cousins!, sexual intimates, insects I have love/ hate relationships with, doctors, dentists, MFTs, social workers,, athletes, lawyers, and with brains AND senses of humor, American cities and states I love, Universities , colleges, and Graduate schools, Head Start, K-12, freakin' awesome paraprofessionals,custodians, cafeteria staff and managers teacher-friends-and-colleagues.
BAD TO UGLY SPECTRUM ( limited impotent editions, thankfully)
( Dishonorable mentions as Teachable Moments- bullies, terroristic threateners, assorted jack-legged preachers and mega-church pastors, racists, sexists, human- and- illegal -addictive chemical traffickers, exclusively orthodox anythings, Slumlord-divas, gaslighters, military-grade-weaponized robo-cops, wait-staff-from-hell, invisible vandals, theives and gossips, horrible- movies-I- was-invited- to- watch, grifters, henchmen, those who intentionally seek to earn lumps of bituminous coal in their "hellish holiday hosiery", criminally insane and negligent, pedophiles, iCAPP co-directors who made me work 23 consecutive months for an ADA complaint workplace accommodation, the intentionally willfully ignorant, serial misogynistic husbands, wives, and or whores,etc.)
(C) VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2020