The one time that a White male named WHITE was Spot-ON [RIGHT]


In his 1987 essay, Esthetics and Loss, gay icon and author Edmund White was roasted for saying “…Humor domesticates terror…Humor, like melodrama, is an assertion of bourgeois values. The epic rise of Donald John Trump to become POTUS45 which culminated in the 1.6.2021 Terrorist Attack on the US Capitol will be long remembered as a stellar example proving the prescience of his remarks.

Think Trevor Noah and his awesome team at The DAILY SHOW. They consistently demonstrate professional journalistic reporting skills while using comedy to provide a lesson in basic civics while reporting news and insights on current events in America and the world. To a greater or lessor extent, depending upon the story and characters involved, the same can be said of all late night comedy shows and the almost universal adoration of Dave Chappelle despite his now being joined at the hip to the behemoth that is Netflix.

Yes, a spoonful of sugary comic relief always helps the medicine go down. If you don’t believe me, try watching the full two-hours plus of a a new release titled Cut Throat City. If the title isn’t humorless and foreboding enough, over 180 minutes of gangster-besotted post-Katrina NOLA will make you depressingly aware of what being chintzy/cheap with the comedy in an dramatic narrative will get you. A quick glance at the reviews on the film’s IMDB profile page stands and judge and jury of a mostly profoundly disappointed and angry movie going public. Most people wanted desperately to like this film. However, because the filmmakers broke new ground by making every “hero” an “anti-hero” most viewers felt cheated out of their ticket prices or streaming service fees or simply out of the viewing time they can never get back.

Meanwhile, let’s close this essay by considering what passes for mainstream journalism in print and digital media. Most go completely in a different direction, over dramatizing the gravitas in every story by any means necessary. As we know specifically, profoundly, pervasively and persistently at Fox News Network, lying is SOP. That seamlessly sets up the “not-FOX News” networks as purveyors of “truth, justice, and the American Capitalist-Exceptionalist Way”. Perversely, this makes the news comics the neo-Walter Cronkites/ Edwin Neuman’s of the 21st Century. The paid journalists and the podcast legions become the Bickersons. This makes for its own “brand” of comic relief.

So, have I told you about my newest spoken word piece, “IT”? No? Well, let me correct my grevious omission:

It: a poem about me and COVID-19

It has always been here.
We made it angry; so angry it snapped back.
It didn’t care.
It was never embarrassed or shamed.
It couldn’t have cared less about our petty squabbles and deadly wars.
It did not respect persons, places, things.
We are all equal in its eyes.
We are all willing hosts.
It takes some and spares some; we have no control over it.
It will eventually take all of us humans away; yesterday I read we may have spread it to some gorillas we were taking care of; was it accidental death, premeditated murder. willful arrogance, or a failed gambit?
I hate it because it spares more pink-skinned people than any other skin color; wherever they are, this is how they say It operates. It has killed over 400,000 in the US alone, so they say.
Potus45 and his entire family, so they say, may have had it. They appear to have recovered, but they have lied so much about everything that I don’t even know why we still expect them to tell the truth about anything. Old habits die hard, I suppose
Before it got angry and started killing people that I knew personally, I was very ill. I had to be treated by a team of frontline workers at the hospital Monday through Friday for 6 consecutive weeks. Right after I had my first glorious Sunday outing before I was released, I realized to my horror, that I had been living with a “grifter Karen”/illegal landlord. One week later, she would invite her friends to watch as she made me the scapegoat/sacrificial lamb in her final grift involving me. Her spitting all around me during her tirade handed me to It on a silver platter, so to speak, much like a film version of what Jezebel did with the head of John the Baptist. My grifter Karen then took advantage of my exhaustion and stole all of my keys. Then forced me out into the streets of my predominantly Jewish orthodox neighborhood.
It has allowed our governments to act in an abundance of caution and mandate everyone not living as a couple or family to live in quarantine and practice social distancing, 6 feet apart, and cover our nose and mouth in all public spaces.
Our Potus45 lead the nation to reject and note follow CDC and WHO regulations (when those agencies united with a complimentary set of guidelines). He suggested people take poison and different unproven medications to prevent the spread of it and or treat it if infected. We will never know how many followed his example and advice and died needlessly. His followers remain loyal to him even after he directed an assault on a 228 year old granite and iron Federal Building and federal employees on 1.6.2021; 7 people are now dead as a direct result of injuries sustained during the attack.
It has thrived in the absence of any universally mandatory protocols to prevent the spread of It or treat It.
We apparently calmly and quietly expect populations equivalent to several small nations to die from It, over 1 million worldwide in the past year.
During It’s reign of terror, I have been robbed twice by 3 different sets of women- two sets were racially diverse, the one in the middle of the timeline 5.13.20 to 11.13.20, was black with beige skin. Like it, Evil and greed and racism and ageism and sexism/homophobia don’t discriminate, either.
It ended in-person worship.
I have decided to embrace my longtime family-of-choice bubble knowing that strongly implies embracing It since they all had it two weeks before 2.11.21. Factoring in a 16-day common quarantine and me finding a rapid result testing center, I will have them over for dinner/potluck-game night sometime between now and April Fool’s Day.
Meanwhile, It has mutated. Now its progeny infect us more efficiently and ferociously and there are rolling shortages of vaccines. As one could have easily predicted, the elites were the first in line to receive vaccinations, then those with the worst health, then some but not yet all frontline workers. Can we vaccinate fast enough to get ahead of the next wave in the pandemic? Capitalists could care less; they are only concerned about how much money they can make if IT becomes permanent — they have no urgent and vested interest in control, cure, or treatment of IT, they profit while people are dying alone separated from loved ones before end of life events.
After 5 years of continuous instruction, or a massive open online course in bullying, fear-mongering, gaslighting, racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, sexism, ( insert your -isms here) mostly scripted and Executive-Produced by a mentally-ill POTUS45, It arrives.

[c] VernonNickersonSchoolcoach 2021



Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS
Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

Written by Vernon Nickerson TCHR-of-im(perfect)/perfectHRMNYS

STOP ASSESS FACILITATE EDUCATE/EVOLVE/ EFFECT PERMANENT PEACE I Also am a minority advocate for humans choosing to be unconditionally loving. Be S.A.F.E.

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