This has been posted to all my social media earlier this morning, Sunday, September 6, 2020. I am expanding my ask to everyone who has derived any benefit from knowing me in the course of my relatively short lifespan.
Cynthia Miller Good Sunday morning to you. I am OFFICIALLY SENDING OUT AN SOS! I have been being bitten continuously since my writing to you last night. The thing that changed is that the landlord’s pest control guy without my permission, entered my apartment and allegedly " planted baits around my bed. After no communication with .e for weeks, the landlord, under a LA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ORDER TO ABATE THE COCKROACH AND BITING CARPET MITE SITUATION by September 5, waited until the morning of September 5 to have someone enter my apartment...and I got no sleep. The person, who’s first name is Gary... to this day I do not have a last name ( curious) entered my apartment is supposed to return Tuesday at noontime, the middle of my first day of my new remote ( from home teaching job). As a fledgling new educational entrepreneur, I cannot afford to allow this man Gary or the property manager Ron Holloway or the landlord Ms. Laurel Lightner to enter my apartment. Does anyone, Terry Franklin, Jeffrey Sterling, Jeff Jones, Jeff Coe, Jeffrey Q. Williams, Lori Gibson-Washington, Lori Addison, Adriene Goodrich, Harry Hazelwood, Warren Lawson, Charles Talbert, Steve Chappelle, Steven Simington, Teresa Hord Owens, Jim Walker, Patricia A Walker, Ce Cole Dillon, Jeanette Lyde, Charlotte Sista C Ferrell, Jeffrey Casey, Eric R. Bastien, Eric Walls, Lisa Ferguson, Thomas Alexander, Andrea Holmes Thompkins, Myesha Hill, Tanithia Hill, Ty Pratt, Burgin Prather, Lovell Nash, Jr Leon Campbell Jr., Jason Hall, Jason Mitchell, Mamye Alexander Gardner, know how I can legally not allow her entry until AFTER a mediation that I have been informed she has already been notified of has been held? IF my landlord retaliated in this way , specifically something on their "baits" caused the mites to swarm and cluster bite, do I have any rights in this matter? I know this is Labor Day weekend, but if any of you could call Ms. Laurel Lightner at 213-910-8804 and respectfully request that she mediate Tuesday morning from 10:00 am to 11:30 am, I would greatly appreciate your help. People who I have repaid and or am repaying for their kindness to me , Judy Haddad, Terry Franklin, Felecia Jett, Stephen C Betts, Rebecca Baroma, I think your calls would be especially powerful. In some sense, as homeowners (most of you) who are also professionals, your reaching out to her could have greater impact. Unfortunately, LA Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas' constiuent services staff has been least helpful to me and stunningly less effective than the staffs of his Caucasian and female Supervisors on various issues since I have resided in LA County since 2005. In the multiple crises co- occurring with COVID-19, I can completely understand any one person or group of service professionals being overwhelmed and low on resources. These are perilous and desperate times. ALL Ms Lightner needs to do is reach out:
Dispute Resolution
Department of Consumer an
We are also available by phone at , between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on normal business days.
Thank you for choosing mediation.
Your case number: DR20-13773
Consumer Affairs Supervisor
Please visit our website at for more information about our services and programs.
Gloria Galvan mediator, at 213-974-0826. I firmly believe it is in everyone’s best interests to resolve this matter ASAP. Basically, it is the only survivable option I see without further jeopardizing my doctor-approved status of " High Risk for COVID-19 ". Thank You all in advance for considering my request.